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"If that was a taster, lord me help me when it comes down to the real thing" I said breathless. I was in absolute bliss.

He laughed, and this time I could see his Adams apple move up and down when he did because the scarf that was once covering his neck, was used to cover my eyes. God, even his NECK was attractive, I want to kiss it...

 I've got to somehow manage to hide the scarf so he doesn't take it... even though he did cut it. I want to keep it to remember this night, and also, it smells like him.

"You know, for a woman who is so set in her ways and so independent, you're very well behaved in bed" He said with a cheeky smile.

He was right. Well, half right. I'd never let a man do half those things to me before, I usually like to be in charge.

"Actually"I said coyly "I'm usually the one giving the orders"

"You don't say" he sounded surprised "That's actuallyso hot"

I tuned to look at him

"Maybe one day you can show me" he said as he trailed his hand up my bare legs

Holy shit. Holy shit. He want me to boss him around? fuuuuuuck. Why is it so hot when a absolute beast of a man is open for the roles to be reversed? I wonder if he'll let me peg him... Oh fuck. I want to

"But for now, I'm very much enjoying seeing how your body reacts to me being in charge." and then he pulled me closer to kiss me again.

"I have to pee" I said pulling away from him "Give me a minute and I'll be right back"

"Thats okay, I should probably leave now anyway" He started to get up 

"What?" I couldn't control the sadness in my voice. "Do you have some sort of secret anarchist meeting or something?" I tried to tease

all of the sudden he was laughing at me again, why is he always laughing at me????

"No, Y/N" I don't have a 'secret anarchist meeting' today, not that I know I've been notified of anyway. But I need to go home so I can shower.

"You can shower here" I stammer. "The door doesn't lock but I promise I won't look, I'll make us something to eat!" God, could you sound anymore desperate

"Well" he cleared his throat "I guess it would be easier than me going home to shower when you do have one here, okay sure."

Yes, he was staying for a little bit longer. 

I had what seemed to be, the quickest pee of my entire life and I rushed back

"Okay, all fresh Towels are in the closet behind the door"

He smiled at me and then left the room.

I walked into the kitchen and heard the shower switch on, I could hear the water Running. Riot was in there. He was Naked in my bathroom. NAKED. Suddenly I had an irrational wave of jealousy over an inanimate object; My mirror had seen his face, his naked body and I haven't... He is literally just behind that door, I could so easily go in and just see, see who he really is, see what this man looked like. 

"No" said outloud. I can't do that. Thats a serious invasion of privacy and perverted. Plus, I think if I knew his identity or something, he'd probably have to kill me, is that how Anonymous works?

I want to google it but im afraid they have people watching the search engines and will hack into my computer and see everything. God, I watch waaaaay too many movies.

I turn on the coffee machine and begin making bagels, its all I have. I really do need to go grocery shopping. I walked outside to get my mail and as I opened the door, there was a pizza on the doorstep. 

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