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"FUCKING MOOOOOOVE!" I yelled to the cars in front of me "JUST GO!" Great, I'm stuck in traffic. I honked my horn and screamed profanities at the cars inftont of me. What the hell is going on?and why is it making me late?

I got out of my car to see if I could see anything and make sense of what was going on. No such luck, I couldn't see shit. I got back in my car and waited, not like there was anything else I could do. Eventually the cars started moving and I was finally back on my way. A bit after than I would have liked, but better late than never. As im driving towards my destination, I see cranes and about a mile of concrete. What the fuck?! I find somewhere to park my car and walk back to this seemingly new construction site. 

I can't understand what's going on, people are shouting, trying to knock down the wall. Theres smoke everywhere, theres absolute chaos. I looked to my left and there were peaceful protesters, holding up their signs and chanting and that's when I figured it out, they were building these walls to keep us out.

All of the sudden I hear that all too familiar hissing sound of the tear gas, I ran in the other direction to get away from it, fuck, I forgot my goggles, again. 

I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw The cops manhandling the fuck out of some people. They were being over forceful with these poor people, beating them when they wouldn't move fast enough or do as they were told. I saw behind them bits of torn fabric and few possessions. They were homeless. These motherfucking asshole piece of shit cops were beating these homeless people and making them move, all so they could build the wall, right through where they were staying. I felt sick to my stomach, the fabric that I saw were tents, obviously ripped up and smashed to pieces. That was all these poor people had in the world and these sons of bitches took it from them. 

I felt a lump in my throat and I almost let a quiet sob escape but I was pushed out of the way. There was a surge of masked, riot gear-clad guys coming through. Some ran straight to the cops and pushed them off the defenceless homeless people and some went straight to help the homeless and offer to take them to safety. I could hear them shouting into the faces of those assholes

"Does that make you feel big? beating on these defenceless people? ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS."

"FUCK THE PATRIARCHY" Said another. It was riot! I could see his dreads swinging. Right at that moment, he turned to me and there was an explosion.

I was thrown back. "What the fuck was that?!" I gasped. I looked around and there was a sudden eruption of cheering and roars. There was dust everywhere. Part of the wall was gone. Did they do this? Did anonymous blow up this wall? Fuck yeah! hope they tear the whole thing down. How dare whoever in charge of this wall give the go ahead to build right through where the homeless people lived, sick fucks. 

All of the sudden, someone grabbed me. 

"WHAT THE FUCK, Y/N?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" It was Riot, and boy was he pissed. He grabbed my by the arm and pulled me away from the scene.

"I told you to stay home tonight, what the fuck are you doing?" he shouted

"You're not the boss of me, I can come here if I want to!" I shouted back, it sounded a bit petulant really. 

"You were injured and I specifically told you not to come here so you wouldn't get hurt again, especially tonight." Wow, how can he sound so fucking sweet and caring whilst telling me off like a naughty little child. Im ashamed to admit it but I was melting inside.

"You're gonna have to do a lot more than tell me not to do something for me to listen. Telling me no makes me want to do it even more. If you really didn't want me here you should've just handcuffed me to the bed or something to make sure I stayed home!" I shouted back to  show him that I am a free woman and can do as I please. 

"Don't think I haven't thought about it" he said aggressively. "Now get home before you get hurt again or so help me god." 

He was right, I should go home. This is the second time I was somewhere I shouldn't have been which resulted in me getting hurt. Only this time the only thing hurting was my ego. And my ass.

I drove myself home and thought about those poor homeless people. They have nothing. All they had was a quiet little area where they pitched their tents so they had some sort of shelter over their heads, and the cops tore them down and ripped them to pieces. 

I thought of Anonymous, how they all stood there and and helped Those people, how they got in those cops faces and yelled at them, how they fucking blew up part of the wall that was being built through the homeless's home. I silently thanked God for each every single member of anonymous, especially for Riot. 

I let myself into my house, I have 2 voicemails. 1 from my boss again checking in on me and making sure that I turn the column in on time and another from Sarah, updating me on how she's feeling. I feel like shit. My body is exhausted and so is my brain. 

I made myself a coffee, ordered a pizza, laid on the couch and switched on Netflix just for some background noise, I couldn't really focus right now. Although, saying that, I was getting quite invested in Elena and Damon's blossoming romance, He's so sexy. Theres just someone about a bad boy who only has a weak spot for his girl and his girl only.

*Knock Knock* 

Ahhh, my pizza's here. 

"Just a minute" I scrambled off the couch to answer the door, It wasn't my pizza, it was Riot. My heart did a flip inside of my chest.

Screw my stuffed crust,  I want my guts stuffed

He stormed in. 

"What the hell are you playing at Y/N"he said angrily. "Did I not tell you to stay home, did I not TELL YOU TO STAY HOME"

"First of all, Big boy, don't you dare come into my house shouting at me. Second of all, I can do as I please."  I said matter of factly. 

"But I told you we were sorting something out. You should've listened, you shouldn't have been anywhere near that explosion." he shouted again, but could hear his voice softening 

"So it was you then, you guys brought that wall down" I asked softly

"Yes, those asshole are hiding behind those walls. They're tearing everything down in their way and its not right. They knocked someones house down yesterday to do it. We have to bring it down, they can't do this." he said Passionately.

"You should have told me, I wouldn't have come. Or at least I would've avoided being near there..."

He let out a short laugh 

"of course you would have. Theres just no talking to you, you defy everything I say. Which, as much as it infuriates me, I find it incredibly sexy. I love a woman who stands up for herself, who knows her own mind and fights for what she believes"

Gulp. There it is again, the burning desire. 

He pulls the mask covering his mouth down to expose his beautiful lips and gives me a sexy, reassuring smile. 

"I just want you to be safe" 

And with that, he pulled me closer to him and his lips came crushing down on mine, so tender but urgent at the same time. He was kissing me as if we had been apart for a long time and he didn't know the next time he was going to see me again. 

A moan escaped my lips, Jesus. Here we go again. His lips felt so good on mine, his hands on my waist, slightly grabbing and pulling me closer into him. I want him to devour me, I want him so so badly. I can't help but to start grinding my body against him, I need him. 

He felt this and smiled into the kiss

"Go to the bedroom" he said so sternly but sexily, I swear I almost came there and then.

When I say I ran to the bedroom,Boy, I fucking ran.

A/N: Another build up! how are you guys feeling about the direction in which this is going? im going to start working on chapter 8, which you can already tell its going to be dirty af. Suggestions/feedback??

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