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I don't remember falling asleep last night, it must have been late. I looked at my phone, it was 10am. Shit. RIOT IS HERE. 

I stumbled out of bed, looked at myself in the mirror Great, I look an absolute state and ran into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and tongue quickly, I brushed my hair and decided to leave it down, for that just got out of bed look. When i felt I looked somewhat human, I walked into the living room. 

It was empty. What? The bedding was folded with the pillows neatly onto. Where did Riot go? I looked around, not even a note was left. I'm not going to lie, I feel a bit heartbroken. I was excited at the though to seeing him this morning, last night was amazing. It was the first night a man had spent at my house without being in my bed...

I made some coffee and just sat on the couch. Why did he leave without so much as leaving a note? when did he leave? did he wait till after I was asleep? or do he actually stay here and just leave earlier this morning? You know what, im kind of pissed off. Who does that? forget him.

 I should probably do some work. But I remembered that work involved an article on men. NOPE. Not today. Netflix it is. 

I must have fallen asleep somewhere around the middle of the second 50 shades movie because I was awoken with a knock at my door. God what time is it?I looked at my phone, it was 9pm. Another knock at my door. Who's knocking at my door this time of night? I get up off the couch expecting it to be Sarah or a neighbour wanting to borrow something. I open the door 

"Yeah what do you want" I look up, Its Riot. I Blushed immediately "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else.

"Haha" we said wearily. "Its just me. Listen I wanted to apologise for leaving this morning. I wanted to leave a note but I couldn't find any paper, and I don't have your number so I couldn't text you and I was in a rush so I had to leave quickly" he sounded almost regretful?

"Where did you go? and what made you had to leave in such a rush?"  I demanded. My feelings were hurt and I don't care if he knows it. 

"I know, im sorry, I can't tell you why because of what I do, but trust me, I wouldn't have left if it was anything less than urgent" He sounded sincere enough, did I believe him?

"Anonymous business?" I asked curiously

"Yes, but that's really all I can say. Listen, I want to make it up to you, if you'll let me"

"I dunno, you were pretty rude just leaving like that, with no word..." I tease 

"I'm sorry"  he almost sounded sad now.

"im kidding, you can come in if you'd like?" wishful thinking honestly 

"I thought you'd never ask" he joked.

He came in and we sat on the couch. He told me that he had a really busy day and that what he and the others were doing was extremely crucial but he couldn't tell me any more. He asked about my day and then my stomach rumbled. I blushed.

"Have you even eaten today?" He asked with a smile in his voice 

"uhhhhh, well, does coffee count? 

"Do you want me to make you something? im a really good cook actually. This is how I could make it up to you"

I wanted to say no but my stomached rumbled again. 

"I'll take that as a yes. You just sit there and I'll go make us something" He got up and left. There was a chefs window in the kitchen which I could see him through. He took off his gloves and washed his hands in the sink. Such big, gentle hands... He then began looking in my fridge and through the pantry

"You good with anything in here?" he shouted 

"yeah as long as its edible!" I shouted back with a laugh 

I could hear him chuckling in the kitchen. I watched him as he cooked. The way the kitchen light reflected in the screen of his helmet, the way his mouth over under neath the mask. The way his dreads swayed down his back. Who is this man and why do I want him so badly?! I want to feel his big soft hand on my bare thighs again. Control yourself girl . Before I knew it he was out with to plates.

"What is it " I asked hungrily 

"Garlic, rosemary and Thyme chicken breasts with garlic butter mini potatoes" he said proudly "Sorry, its the best I could do with what you had, you really should go grocery shopping

"Incase you haven't noticed, ive been a bit busy" I glared.

He laughed. We sat down and proceeded to eat our dinner. 

"Mmmmm, this is really good!" I moaned

"Well don't sound so surprised" he said fake upset 

"No but really, its really good. I can't remember the last time anyone cooked for me before.

We sat and ate the rest of our meal in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable, nice even. 

Once we'd finished, he got up to clear the table. 

"Go sit down, you've still got an injury" he bossed 

so I plopped myself down on the couch and he came over with two coffees. 

"Umm, do you wanna stay and watch movie with me?" I asked sheepishly

"Sure, I guess I can do that" and he relaxed into the couch, moving the mask covering his mouth down so he could take a sip of his coffee. Ugh, those lips again...

I got the remote and turned on the tv and froze. FUCK. I had fallen asleep watching the second 50 shades movie and it was on pause.

"Uhhh, yeah let me just yeah ummm" I was so flustered 

"Please don't tell me that you've been watching this crap" and he let out a loud laugh 

I blushed, why is he laughing at me. 

"Umm well yeah, I wasn't going to but I mean I guess I just wanted to see the fuss and I guess its kind of romantic in a twisted sort of way" I said shyly 

"Show me" he said 

"ummm no, its okay I'll put something else on."

"Y/N no, its fine. You're already half way through, lets just finish it." he said with a smirk.

I blushed and pressed play and sank back into the couch. God how awkward, I want to scream. I sat perfectly still the whole time, I wasn't letting anything on and then I felt his hand brush against my back. Eventually the movie ended. and I turned it off as quick as I could. 

"See, it wasn't that bad" plot twist; it was that bad.

he burst out laughing. 

"That" he paused "was the biggest load of crap I have ever watched in my life. What an asshole, he is so manipulative!" Not to mention the whole other side of it" he trailed off 

I looked down because I was so embarrassed that he had sat through that and watched it right next to me. 

"Besides" he said slowly "that isn't how it's done"

I looked up. He was staring right at me. I could feel it through the helmet. The mask covering his mouth was still down and I could see his big juicy lips again, god I wanted to kiss them, I wanted to feel them on my skin. 

I leaned forward slightly, he didn't move away. I moved in closer and then to my surprise, he leant down and kissed me. OH MY GOD. His lips were every bit as juicy as I thought they'd be. They were so soft but firm at the same time. So tender but urgent. His hands touched my back and pulled me closer to him, I let out a moan and as soon as I did, his tongue took that as a welcoming invite and slid inside my mouth and entwined with mine. Jesus this man could really kiss, he certainly knew what he was doing. I moaned again, daring to be closer to him and that is when he picked me up, wrapped my legs around him and carried me to my bedroom all whilst his tongue continued to explore my mouth

A/N: I THINK. YOU KNOW. WHERE THIS ABOUT TO GO. Y'ALL EARNED IT. GET READY FOR CHAPTER 6. Don't forget to leave some comments and vote on this!!!!

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