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It's been over a week since I heard anything from Riot or Anonymous. I was beginning to feel like nothing was going to come of either again. I went to the Protests on the weekend because I felt like enough time had past for my hip to heal to be out there. 

For everyone out there who was saying protests, especially looting doesn't work? fucking educate yourself. In just over TWO WEEKS 4 officers were fired from their jobs and charged with 3rd degree and manslaughter. Breonna Taylors case has reopened. LA Mayor has defunded the police department by $150 MILLION and has invested it into minority communities instead and these are just a few examples of the change our protesting has brought about. I'm so proud to say that I was a part of this. That I fought for this change and will not finish until this country is equal and just. 

I can't help but wonder why Riot wasn't there? Or any of the others really, I would've been realised to see some sort of riot gear clad person with an anonymous patch on their chest but I didn't. Why? I know it wasn't about me but some part of me couldn't help feel that it was. Jesus, Narcassist much? 

I pull the box out from underneath my bed. I haven't looked at it since the night it showed up. I looked at the mask, it felt different than I expected. It wasn't plastic-y or rubbery like a thought. It was light but strong and durable, what was it made of? It had two blood red ribbons on the side to tie it at the back, you had to admire the artistry. It was the little details of course. 

'what if I just'  I thought whilst grabbing the mask. I stood infant of the mirror and brought the mask up to my face, and looked at my reflection. I was about to tie the ribbons but the phone rang 

I yelped and dropped the mask to the floor. 

"Mother fucker" I let out a sigh, my heart was pounding. 

I walked to the phone wearily. What if its Anonymous finally getting in contact? Picked up the phone 

"Hey babe, just me checking in!" it was Sarah, I sighed in relief.

We stayed chatting for a while and she was updating me on what had been happening as she hasn't been able to go to the protest for a while since she's really been sick with this stomach flu, its lasted 2 weeks, I was a bit worried actually.

All of the sudden I felt undeniably nauseous 

"Sarah babe, i've got to go. I feel like im going to be sick' 

I dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom and just made it to the toilet in time. I was sick everywhere. For fucks sake, have I caught this same Stomach flu that Sarah has? why has mine taken over 2 weeks to show. Either way, didn't care right now, I was too busy puking my guts up. This is definitely not what I needed right now. I finally felt okay enough to stand up, I looked in the mirror and I looked like shit. Uhhh. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and went to the Kitchen to get a drink of water. I picked up the mask and put it back in the box under my bed before I went to the kitchen.

As I drank the glass of water I decided I was probably just exhausted and needed a cup of coffee. Dammit, im almost out of the Salted caramel. I made a cup anyway, as soon as I took the first sip I was running back to the bathroom, what the fuck. I knew there was a reason I always stuck to plain black coffee. 

I spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching Netflix in the background, in and out of sleep. I could barely move to the kitchen to get something to eat, Even though I felt too sick to eat I knew I needed something in my system. That was enough to set me off again. I was curled up next to the toilet bowl, I can't remember the last time I felt this sick. I decided to take a shower, maybe that might help. 

I turned on the water and waiting for the water to heat up before I got it. I could barely stand, I felt so so weak so I decided to just sit down in the shower and let the water wash over me till I felt better. 

'Let me just close my eyes for a second' I thought to myself

"Y/N, Y/N" I was shaken awake and heard a voice shouting, calling my name. I must have fallen asleep. 

"Y/N can you hear me" the voice asked in a panic 

I opened my eyes. Riot. Riot was here, is this a dream?

"Riot, what are you doing here" I asked, suddenly starting to wake up 

"Y/N, you've fallen asleep in the shower and there's sick in the toilet, are you okay?! I worried when you didn't answer the door but I saw the tv was on. Whats wrong?" he sounded so worried 

"I just" I started "I think I've got the stomach bug like Sarah did" I trailed off 

He turned the shower off and picked me up with those strong arms and wrapped me up in a towel then carried me to bed. I suddenly felt very alert. Riot's here! he's here he's here! I felt a wave of relief and calmness wash over me. He gently laid me on the bed and put the covers over me then left the room. Where was he going?? please don't leave again...

He entered back into the room with a tall glass of water and some pepto bismol.

"Here, take some of this and drink this" he said soothingly. I did as I was told. I took some peptic bismol, yuck and chased it down with some water. 

"Thank you" I said shyly

He started to take off his gloves to reveal those big soft hands that I loved so much. He brought them up to my forehead and felt for my temperature. 

"Luckily you don't feel feverish, but I would like you to try and keep that water down" He said softly whilst tracing the back of his hand down my cheek before moving it away. I was melting. He's here, looking after me. 

"What are you doing here" I finally asked. I needed to know 

"I-" he started "I needed to see you" he admitted 

"But where have you been? I didn't know if I was going to see you again... I didn't see you at the protests. I-"

he cut me off

"We've had something pretty serious come up, y/n. I didn't know exactly how serious it was before I left or else I wouldn't have left the way I did" he sounded sad "But I had to see you, and im glad I did because I've missed you" I could hear the smile in his voice. My heart was soaring.

"I'm so sorry for the way I acted, that isn't me. I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry." I tried to move closer  "I missed you too"

I could see his body relax, I didn't realise he was so on edge 

"Lay with me?" I asked, half expecting him to leave again

He stood up and walked around the edge of the bed and got into bed next to me and then proceeded to wrap his embracing arm around me. I felt so safe, so content here. I wish I could stay like this forever. 

And with that, I fell asleep and had the best sleep I've had in a very long time


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