32. Last word

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Sehun dragged the boy on his lap to check his pulse and it merely took him a minute to look back at the entire royal clan on the grandstand and shake his head.

Kim Songdae fell unconscious the next second.

Lee Taran pulled his hair out from the scalp screaming NO! NO! NO!

Anaya was frozen, too flabbergasted to acknowledge anything.

Queen San-do knelt to the floor with an unconscious king in her arms, wide eyed.

The entire audience fell into a pin drop silence.

The swordsman of Darata, named Kwon Daehyun, was immediately handcuffed and incarcerated.

It was difficile for everyone to wrap their heads around the actuality.



• If I end up losing my life to my opponent's, my last wish is to sanction that the King and Queen of Arauna, along with the emperor of Darata are never permitted near my corpse or grave. Ever.

• If I end up taking away the life of my opponent, I reckon I shall eschew no integrity to practice a 'last wish'. Murderers do not deserve that.



• If I end up losing my life to my opponents sword, I preclude myself from the virtue of 'last wish', having failed my land as a swordsman.

• If I end up taking away the life of my opponent, I wish to be hanged as a martyr on the Araunain grounds. Not Darata.


"Felicitations to everyone! Our contrivance was a success. Cheers!!"

"Ready, Park?"


Fasten your seatbelts for the next chapter.......

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