The Stranger

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Garcia: "Unnecessary. There's too much blood and gore and eew." she groans as herself, Morgan, Watson, and Reid walk out of a theater

Reid: "Garcia, it's a slasher film. How do you do a slasher film without violence?"

Garcia: "You imply it."

Morgan: "Baby, the movie is called "Slice 6." What were you expecting?"

Garcia: "A refreshing beverage with a twist of comedy. I'm gonna have nightmares for a week."

Watson: "With everything that we do and see on a daily basis, that got to you?"

Garcia: "Alright you know what. You may be all Sigourney Weaver ass-kicking tough, which is awesome, but the mystical mavens of innocence like myself jump at things that go bump in the night." she says making the other three chuckle

Reid: "Why are you worried? I'm sure that Morgan will protect you. As long as he's not jumping out of his chair like a prepubescent schoolgirl." he looks at Watson who laughs along with him

Morgan: "The only reason I jumped is 'cause you guys woke me up."

Garcia: "How could you sleep during that?" she loops her arm through his

Morgan: "Easy. You drag me out after a 12-hour workday...for what? You telling me that girl didn't know that the unsub was waiting for her upstairs? Come on, now."

Reid: "Villian."

Morgan: "What?"

Reid: "In movies, unsubs are called villains."

Morgan: "My bad."

Reid: "You want to know why horror movies are so successful?"

Morgan: "Why is that, genius?"

Reid: "They prey on our instinctual need to survive. In tribal days, a woman's scream would signal danger and the men would return from hunting to protect their pack. That's why it's always the women and not the men who fall victim to the bogeyman."

Watson: "Count on you, Reid, to break a movie down to science."

Garcia: "My favorite thing about horror movies is the suspense factor."

Reid: "Ah, the ticking clock."

Watson: "The helpless victim walks through the dark...shadows reaching out to get her."

Reid: "A sudden noise draws her attention. Is someone there, or is it just in her head?" they say in a spooky voice before they break out laughing

Garcia: "Still, it's totally unrealistic. No one should be walking through a dark alley by themselves at night."

Morgan: "Ahem. Hello."

Garcia: "Ah. No one should be walking through a dark alley without a Derek Morgan by their side."

Reid: "But the best part of a horror never know when the end is gonna come."

Reid: "What we didn't see coming is the slicer's brother was in the closet." he recaps the movie for Rossi and Ashley the next day as they walk into the ballpit

Rossi: "Frightening."

Reid: "His betrayal consumed him and he sent his brother to his own private hell."

Watson: "Speaking of horror..." she trails off as they look over at where Hotch and Strauss are talking in his office

Reid: "What's Strauss doing here?"

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