The Binding

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"Let's get it over with," Draco scowled.

"My lord," Narcissa spoke. "May I ask what the bind entails?" His mother;s tone was respectful making it clear that she was trying to gauge what exactly was about to be done to her only son.

Draco was thankful for her question. He wanted to know what he was getting into.

And while his mother might have seemed cold in her tone, Draco knew... could sense, the protective fierceness beneath the surface. It was a comfort to know that she was there at his back looking out for him.

Voldemort smiled.

"I came up with the bind myself," he said and Draco felt a shiver run down his spine. "I modified it off an old love spell...I never did have a hand with those...but the idea was of some use." Voldemort looked knowingly at Bellatrix.

"He uses it on couples," said Bellatrix. "To keep them in line," she clapped her hands. "Its really brilliant."

"It connects one person to another," said Voldemort gesturing from Draco to Hermione. "With the bind if she escapes Draco will be able to lead us straight to her. It induces an awareness of the other. Like a tracker-the kind no potion or spell can cloak." he stood from the chair and grabbed a hold of Hermione by the arm she cried out in pain as his nails dug into the open flesh and writing Bellatrix had carved into her. "No matter where she goes, no matter where she runs or if she escapes...Draco will be able to find her." Voldemort smiled. "

"Is that all?" asked Narcissa.

Bellatrix shook her head and Draco felt a growing ball of dread in his stomach.

"The bind also allows the best emotions through. Pain, fear, danger..."

Draco blinked.

"I am told it can be rather uncomfortable," continued Voldemort. "But then I believe Draco Is willing to endure a little discomfort to prove his loyalty to me. Aren't you?"

"Yes," Draco managed to keep his voice even.

Draco could see what Voldemort had done in his mind's eye: The Dark Lord had bound couples together...couples who had one member who was more...of a follower than the other. He could pressure each side of the couple by harming the other, using the pain and fear and danger in order to motivate them to stay in line. And if one of the pair decided to leave, to run...then the other could be used...forced to track them down.

That's what he'll make you do to Granger if she manages to escape...

"Grasp her hand," Voldemort ordered and Draco took hold of Granger's hand. It was soft and warm against his. He laced his fingers between hers. She tried to pull away and he tightened his grip regretting it when he saw her wince a little.

Her Brown eyes locked with his and his grip slackened.

"Please Draco, don't let them do this," her voice was quiet and tinged with desperation.

"Shut up Granger. You think I want to be bound to you?" Draco scoffed and saw the hurt his words caused.

Good. If Hermione believed him the rest would too.

Voldemort lifted his wand and Draco and Hermione's forearms slammed together yanking them well into each other's personal space.

Hermione shoved at his chest and Draco grabbed her free arm before she could execute one of her passionate right hooks. He yanked it down to the side and twisted it. She gasped and he tried to ignore it as he tried to ignore the warmth of her body so close to his own. He kept the small space between them to keep them from being flush against one another.

She doesn't want this...

Neither do I.

Draco looked down at Hermione. Her eyes had gone hard, filled with hate for him.

Voldemort whisked his wand around and around theirs clutched hands and Draco watched a sickly pink light come down from the tip of the Dark Lords wand and begin to lace around them in the air.

"Vinculum permanens" Voldemort cast and the light reacted snapping into their skin. They both inhaled fiercely against the warmth and pain. Draco felt the power of the spell shoot through his body and an acute sense of awareness of her rippled through him for a moment he felt the chaos of her emotions. The look on her face told him that she had felt the same. She looked confused for a moment and he watched her dismiss the notion that what she had felt was truly coming from him.

Of course she wouldn't be able to believe you were doing anything to help her, he chastised himself.

"It is done," said Voldemort stepping back. He clapped his hands ostentatiously, the sound echoing in the silence of the room.

Draco released Hermione hand as if burned. He didn't want to touch her.

Draco looked down at the thin lines on his arm: They were faint, so faint that if you didn't know they were there to look for them you wouldn't see them at all. When Draco Looked up he saw Granger examining her arm in much the same way.

She glared up at him.

Draco looked away.

Voldemort waved a hand and released Lucius from the snake spell and Lucius' cane fell with a clatter to the floor. Draco watched as his father stood shaking and tried to smooth out his long blond hair.

"Don't worry Draco," said Bellatrix coming over to him. "You don't care about her so it shouldn't feel too awful on your side."

Draco shrugged off his aunts touch and moved back over towards his mother. Narcissa came forward to meet him halfway and took her sons arm gently in her own, handling him like fine china. She looked closely and then seeming satisfied nodded.

"Would you care to stay for dinner my Lord?" asked Narcissa slipping back into the role of perfect hostess.

"Thank you Narcissa but I have other things I need to attend to."

Voldemort turned to Draco.

"Make sure she stays close until we need her, I am holding you responsible for her location. Beyond that.-do what you will. We only need to keep her alive otherwise, have your fun."

With that Voldemort dissaparated leaving Hermione in the middle of a group of from death but nothing else.


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