Worth Saving

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Draco went downstairs to make Granger breakfast.

Even if he was hurt and mad at her he wasn't about to take it out on her and let her starve.

It was his fault anyways if she was mad or lashing out so he couldn't really hold it against her.

You basically told her you hated her, he reminded himself.

She said it first,he mentally answered back.

The pain and tightness in Draco's chest showed no signs of lessening. He felt anxiety through the bind and for a moment it was almost reassuring to know that he wasn't alone in his feelings.

You're an ass through and through Mafloy, just because you're hurting doesn't mean she should be too. She's been through enough.

He turned the corner in to the kitchen and halted in his tracks.

His aunt and the Dark Lord were sitting in the middle of the kitchen enjoying a meal.

With a glance at the clock Draco realized he had slept in far later than he had planned.


"Draco Darling, why don't you join us for a bite?" Bellatrix asked then turned to Voldemort. "If my Lord approves."

"Of course," said Voldemort. "I am after all a guest in this house," he smiled, the flesh around his mouth pulling tight. "Come sit my boy."

Draco sat, accepting the invitation, knowing that he couldn't rightly refuse without it coming across poorly.

Voldemort commenting on his status as a guest had Draco wanting to sneer. Guests were supposed to leave at some point. In Draco's mind Voldemort had overstayed his welcome the moment he put a toe inside their threshold.

Draco's skin crawled as Bellatrix fawned over the Dark Lord.

He knew his aunt had always been drawn to power and purity and Voldemort extolled the virtues of both. It made sense that she was drawn to him, however Voldemort usually paid Bellatrix only the faintest of attention as his favorite. At the moment he appeared interested in her in a much more carnal way.

Draco shuddered at the thought of the two of them together.

Lucius and Narcissa entered the kitchen a moment later.

His mother looked her usual elegant self-only the the lines around her eyes spoke to Draco telling him she had not slept well last night.

His father looked how he always did these days: tired and worn.

They sat at the table and Narcissa waved her wand setting out a glorious meal before everyone.

Draco filled his plate and began eating without much thought as to the taste.

Around him tightly leashed conversation and pleasantries filled the air.

Well isn't this just a cute little family breakfast,thought Draco sarcastically.

He caught his mother's eyes and she looked away quickly, obviously still disturbed from his actions last night.

She's less than us. Not equal. Not worth getting upset over... or don't you remember telling me that mother? He glowered.

Draco looked around the table.

He no longer felt like he was a part of his own family.

When did that happen? he wondered.

A part of him desperately wanted to reach out to his mother. To confide in her as he had so many times before...but that had gotten harder and harder as the Dark Lord had become a larger part of their lives. As Voldemort's shadow over them grew the closeness between Draco and his mother had waned.

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