pleasure meeting you~ || radiant_day x reader

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Wtf no, this is not a lyric song. It's just a song that I was listening to while I was making this.

Listen to it if you want, enjoy the one-shot :) also, no quote, sorry.
Also, I'm using my headcanon outfits and styles of the characters.

credit to the original drawer of the image~!


As Radiant calmly made a rhyme of him hitting his finger-nails on the table at Benevolent's Bakery, Benevolent was observing as he narrowed his eyes. He continued to make the food Radiant had ordered, his perfect smile on his face still planted on him.

"You seem very... distracted, Radiant. Is something wrong?" Benevolent piped up from the counter of the bakery. Radiant didn't answer him, only paying attention to the sounds he made with the table; the sound of his nails making contact as the table, a rhythm resonating out of the tapping. 

"Radiant?" Radiant paid no attention. Benevolent sighed in anger as he walked out from the counter. He trotted to the table Radiant sat, slamming his gloved hands onto the wooden object. Radiant jumped at the sound, making a loud dramatic 'gah.'

"[OPERATIVE] Radiant_Day. You have been ignoring me and staring the lifeless corner of my bakery, what going on in that head? What is so interesting right now, what is going on in that head of your's?" Benevolent questioned in confusion. Radiant looked up at him with an awkward smile as he avoided Benevolents gaze. Radiant sighed as Benevolent then turned away, walking back to the making-machine of the food he had created for visitors, even though the closing times was hours ago. No one rarely comes out into the night; the [NIGHTS] would kill a wandering person who dares exit their residence. 

Though the Operatives never really cared, Radiant cared for one [CIVILIAN]. 

Her [long/short/medium] [f/c] hair, her deep [e/c] eyes hypnotizing him, and her slick curves. Though he wondered if he could ever meet her again, the smell of the cupcake underneath his nose had attracted him. Sighing, he took the utensils he was given and ate.


As Radiant walked past multiple civilians, the sun dug into his outfit. Even though the sky was never to reveal, as he walked past, he could hear the familiar voice of the female he had thought. As his brow rose in wonder, he turned the corner to where he found the girl he had dreamed. 

She had the similar [long/short/medium] hair length, her [h/c] glistening in the sun-ray. The refreshing pair of [e/c] eyes pricing into other females eyes. She wore a casual out; [f/c] [hoodie/jacket/sweater/shirt] with [f/c] [f/b] [shorts/jeans/pants/skirt]. He smiled as he felt refreshed; he could smell her scent just far from him. As he then hurriedly made his way to confront her, she had then turned into a corner. Radiant felt his body continue moving forward as he was about to crash into a pile of people, but his dark-brown vest had grabbed or had been grabbed by someone before he could do so. Radiant jerked back as he sighed in relief, turning to face Dreadful who was walking around the alleyways.

"I understand you wanna catch your girlfriend, but please be careful next time." Dreadful looked up at Radiant as he nodded. He adjusted Radiant's hat before walking off. Radiant shouted a thank you at him, but he was nowhere in sight anymore. Looking away to his side, he then tried to find where his future girlfriend had disappeared.


Too tired to move his body anymore, his joints felt like they were about to break themselves. His muscles were tense. All the pushing, running around, and searching for the girl he had wanted to speak. 

After searching the entirety of the city, there were no findings of her, and the operatives have not discovered whereabouts. The girl was a complete mystery to the male. Thinking he had failed, he could hear laughter coming from an alleyway. He turned to see the same girl he saw. 

"My my, I didn't expect you to be so interested in trying to discover me." the voice was sweet but had mischief painted over her words. It was a hypnotising voice but was calm and sour. Many words couldn't describe the tone, but it had attracted the male too much. Radiant blushed, turning red that can bring Saint's tomatoes to shame if he could. As he rubbed the back of his neck, small strands of his glossy brown hair fell in front of his face.

"Y-You s-se-"

"Oh I know, don't need to stutter Radiant_Day" She walked out of the alley, revealing herself to be the one and only female he had chased after for several hours. He blushed as he took off his hat and did a bow, his hat on his chest.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am, it's just, your ever-so attracting..." Radiant never spoke like this before. He had never stuttered either in shyness; he was very calm at moments like these. What was so different about her to make him be like this?

The female giggled and walked towards him, bowing back as he straightened himself. She stood up back properly as he smiled. He had his perfect smile back on his face once again, adjusting his cap on his head.

"Well, it seems I already know your name... And it is a bit rude if I don't introduce myself. So, in all means, I'm [y/n], it's a pleasure meeting you." She held out a hand for Radiant to shake, but Radiant took it and pressed his soft lips on it.

"Radiant is my name, and it's a pleasure to meet you, dear~" [y/n] blushed in reply as she giggled silently.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too~."

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