Sodapop "Love is Interesting" / Pt.1

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It was past midnight when I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. Johnny wasn't in the room with me anymore. I knew he was in trouble. I walked into the kitchen to find Johnny on the floor, backing away from our mother as she hauled him over with a broom.

"You little shit! You're useless, you deserve to be dead!"

I tried to look around for any object lying around to knock her out before she got to Johnny, but there was no luck. Johnny noticed me by then and looked at me wide-eyed with those brown eyes of his. Before I knew it, I was on the ground as my head was pounding.

"You two ruined my life! Now I'm going to ruin yours!"In that instant, Johnny pushed her to the ground and grabbed my hand, helping me stand to my feet. Without looking back, we ran till it was safe enough to stop.

"Are you crazy Johnny?! You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"I'm sorry Angy, but I couldn't let her hurt you. We needed to get outta there before she killed us both!"

I wanted to cry, but I held my tears. If only Johnny and I were able to escape the nightmare back at home.

"She's gonna kill you, Johnny."

He lightly smiled and shook his head.

"I promise you, she won't. I oughta protect you first before she kills me."

I chuckled at first. Johnny always says he'll have my back. It's a bit funny, since I'm older. But Johnny knows nothing can stop the crazy woman. She'll end up finding us.We started a fire to keep ourselves warm for the rest of the night and laid against some old fabric. Even though I have school tomorrow, Johnny didn't get enough sleep. He needs it way more than I.

"Go to sleep, Johnny. I'll keep an eye out for the Socs."

I gave him an assuring nod before he refused. Poor Johnny needs me more than ever. I'm gonna make sure she never lays a hand on him, even if it means risking my own life.

Morning arrived, and we decided to head over to the Curtis's. The Curtis's were the only one's that I trusted when it came to trouble.

"Hey-what happened to you?!"

Soda ran straight to me to observe my face. I thought she only hit my arm, but I guess I got knocked out so bad I didn't remember myself.

"Did you get jump-who was it?"

I quietly chuckled at his expression. Soda always finds a way to make me smile in a bad situation like this.

"Soda, I'm okay. It was my mother."

His fingers ran across the bruise that was near my eye. He gently rubbed it causing me to flinch just a bit.

"Sorry. Can't believe you still stay in that damn house. And Johnny-he okay?"

Johnny came in a few seconds later, waving at him.

"You know Angy-she always protectin' me when it should be me protectin'er."

I rolled my eyes at Johnny's statement.

"I'm older Johnny."

"Only by a year."

Soda chuckled.

"Alright, alright you two. Darry's in the shower, and Ponyboy should be awake. Ponyboy!"

Ponyboy came running out of his room confused with his underwear. Soda cleared his throat and once he noticed us, his eyes went wide and his hands went down to cover his groin.

"H-Hey Johnny...A-Angy."

Johnny and I jerked our heads his way while Soda tried to hold his laugh.

"Ponyboy stop standing there like an idiot and put some pants on."

He jogged away to his room giving us a surprising view of his ass. We all laughed as he yelled for us to keep our comments to ourselves. Johnny took the moment to go outside for a smoke as he waited for Ponyboy, leaving Soda and I alone.

"So...gave you thought about my request?"

I had forgotten about his request. Moving in with the Curtis's didn't sound bad, but I didn't want to be an extra burden to Darry. But Johnny and I don't have anywhere else to go, so maybe taking his request won't be so bad.

"Soda, I don't know. What about Darry? Does he know?"

He smlied.

"Darry would love to have you here. You and Johnny will be an extra guest to rate his cookin'."

I quietly laughed. Darry does love to cook and feed us all the time.

"I don't know, Soda. I need more time to think about it."

He took my hand in his and sighed.

"I understand, it's just that I don't want you and Johnny gettin' hurt anymore. Especially you, Angy."

I looked into his eyes. Showing that he cares so much for Johnny and I means a lot. Every time I see him, I'm able to breath in peace because I know I'm safe. But I felt like we were more than just a couple of friends. There was more to our friendship, but I don't know if he feels that. Maybe it's just the pain in my head that has me thinking this way.

"Where's Johnny?"

I slightly jumped when I heard Ponyboy walk in. Felt like we just got caught kissing.

"Outside waiting for you. Said somethin'bout Dally."

Ponyboy nodded and made his way out.

"We should probably check up with Dally. Might be in trouble or somethin'."

Turns out Dallas was actually in trouble. Surprisingly he didn't start it this time, but a guy who slept across his room did. He got caught up with the police 'cause old man thought it would be a good idea to shoot across the damn stairs. Dallas tried to get a hold of him, but it turned into a fight.

"I'm telling ya, I'm innocent man."

I looked at Dally and gave him a stern look.

"What, it's true! Crazy ol'man got me into this mess."

Before the police took them two, Dallas gave me the key to his room.

"Old man there getting kicked out'n I won't be back till next week. You and Johnny can stay in those rooms. You can thank me with a free meal at DQ's."

Guess I won't be staying at the Curtis's but Buck's place.

"Angy! We leaving you comin'?"

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