Dallas/Johnny: pt.1

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Growing up with the gang has always been crazy

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Growing up with the gang has always been crazy. It's basically a pair of idiots, but then there's me, the normal one. It's really hard to believe I'm the normal one, especially because I'm related to TwoBit. I can't even believe I'm related to a clown. Don't get me wrong, he's funny in a way, but he gets annoying pretty quick. Especially if he's drunk. His mood changes drastically, and he starts acting like a whole lunatic.

Then we have the Curtis's, who we consider family. I've known them since I was in elementary school. But then we have Johnny, Steve, and the devil himself, Dally. Johnny's like a little brother to me. Well, he comes over to my place to crashes for the night and stays with me till morning. We get to cuddle and sleep in each other's arms, which in fact I've gotten use to. Our bond has always been something wonderful, but that's when Dally moved into the picture.

Ever since he moved to Tulsa, it's been total hell. Johnny looks up to Dallas, like if her were his big brother. I try not to let it bother me, but it kills me when Dallas tries to push my buttons. My patience for a person like Dallas is extremely low, and I thank TwoBit for that.

Every time I tried to convince Johnny was delusional admiring a hood, he'll always tel me the same thing.

"You know Angy, Dallas isn't a bad guy. He's cool if you get t'know 'im."

"Johnny he's nothing but a bad boy. I don't know how you like spending time with him so much."

"Cuz Dallas nice to me. He's like a big brother I never had."

I let it slide for Johnny. He's my best friend and we do everything together no matter what. Someone like Dallas ain't gonna change that.

When I heard a knock on the window of my apartment, I knew it was him.

"Ey'I know I'm early today, but I wanna take you somewhere."

I looked at his shiny brown eyes and smiled. I would go anywhere with him.

When we arrived to a church, I slightly felt a bit off. Why would he take me to a church?

"I know it's rusty, but Pon'and I took the time to rebuild the church that burnt down when we ran away."

Thinking back to the time he ran away, I couldn't help but feel bad for Johnny. That was hard time for him to overcome, and I wouldn't blame him for coming into my room every night he had nightmares. But his parents aren't making it any easier.

"That's real nice of y'to do. I'm sure people gonna thank ya one day."

He nodded in agreement. We took a seat in the middle of the church and sat against a small bench across a window. Johnny lit a cancer stick, and offered me one, but I refused. I couldn't risk another fire.

"So, what brings us here?"

He puffed out a ring from his cancer stick.

"Just wanted to tell y'bout the real story. I've always been afraid to tell ya, but your my best friend, y'deserve t'know."

I nodded. He's right. He's always been afraid to tell me the actual story of what actually happened when they ran away. Pony kept it a secret too, to protect each other's privacy. Unfortunately the newsletters weren't doing them any favor.

"We killed a Soc, Angy. I still have the fear to walk alone at night because of what happened. Pon'and I could've died, so I had to."

Bob I think was his name. Cherry's boyfriend.

"I remember panickin', and going to Dally. He knew everythin'bout hidin' away from the cops. He gave us money and told us to stay in this exact place."

I know Dallas ain't bad. But he likes getting under my skin so much.

"We cut our hair, bleached Pony's. Dallas came here and tings were okay again...until everythin' collapsed again. The church burnt down, I got burned, and so much smoke was in our lungs, we couldn't breath."

Placing my hand on Johnny's lap, I heartedly smiled. Poor guy sacrificed his life for these children he didn't know, and burnt himself to be a hero at the end of the day.

"Everything's fine now Johnny. It's all over."

He shook his head and started sobbing a bit.

"They said I was a hero, but I ain't no hero, Angel. I ain't no hero, I'm a murderer."

I shook my head.

"No, Johnny. You're not a murderer. Bob was gonna kill ya, and you did the right thing. Don't blame y'self."

The rest of the night, I held Johnny in my arms. He kept calling himself a murderer, but I couldn't tell him that. He was a murderer, but he's the first greaser that ever owned up to Soc like that. Bob has always been an asshole to Johnny. He's the reason why he's so scared to walk alone, he's scarred him for life with anxiety and fear. Bob had it coming.

"Thanks for having my side, Angel."

I would've down the same he did to Bob if the roles were reversed.

"Always will, Johnny."

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