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this one of my favourite chapters whoops i really like the way it turned out

"FRANK, STOP BEING a little bitch and get dressed." Bob grumbled for possibly the millionth time.

So of course Frank ignored him for possibly the millionth time.

Frank glared at his closet full of clothes without blinking, trying to psychically imagine what shirt he could see Gerard's head laying on or which he could see Gerard bunching up in his hands.

"Are you fuckin'-" Bob grumbled as he looked through Frank's closet himself. He pulled out a light blue dress shirt and a moss green cardigan that Ray had stuck a few pins in.

Frank raised an eyebrow, "You're gonna make me look like a fucking first grade teacher."

"Y'know, I virtually couldn't give less of a shit," Bob threw tossed the clothes on the bed before picking out light blue pants that fit over Frank's cast. "This is a first date, Frank. Not a fucking English Lit exam."

Frank grumbled under his breath, shuffling over to his clothes and pulling the shirt over his bare torso, buttoning it up. He had just gotten out of the shower, of course with Bob's generous help, and so he was only in his boxers. Luckily Frank had finally gotten accustomed to changing himself, so he didn't need Bob groping him every morning and evening anymore.

He put the rest of the clothes on, leaving his hair to stick up in every direction as he silently asked for Bob's approval. Bob sighed before flattening down Frank's light hair, Frank completely missing the point since his hair was too short to really fix anyway.

"It's not an exam but don't make him think you don't care." Bob muttered.

Frank nodded with a shaky breath, swatting Bob's hand away when they went to fix his cardigan.

"Where are you two even going?" Bob asked as he picked up the half-finished beer bottle he had left on the Frank's dresser.

Frank couldn't help the way his eyes were glued to it, knowing that he really fucking wanted a beer, but knowing he definitely wasn't allowed to drink one. Apparently it would mess with his pain meds, and he didn't really want to reek of beer on his date with Gerard either. He already knew of Gerard's slight aversion to alcohol, and he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

He cleared his throat, his eyes shooting back to Bob's. "There's this outdoor movie festival..."

Bob nodded as he smiled slightly, "I'm guessing you already bought the snacks?"

Frank nodded curtly, "Yeah, cherry Twizzlers and pretzel sticks."

Bob raised an eyebrow, "What the fuck kind of combination is that?"

"Gerard's brother told me he likes to eat pretzels instead of popcorn during movies... and I just like Twizzlers." Frank said quietly, putting his wallet in his pocket

He made sure he had the bag on snacks by his bed and the pillows. He knew they would probably sit on the floor since Frank needed to move his leg around every now and then and it would be easier to do it on the ground. He hoped Gerard wouldn't mind since he had said he was fine with whatever Frank planned.

The only default of it all was... Frank couldn't be the one to drive them. Sure, it was small part of the date, but it meant a lot to Frank. It made him feel guilty and uncomfortable that Gerard had to be the one to drive them there and back.

He assumed Gerard already knew that though, and didn't seem to think too much of it but Frank couldn't exactly help it.

"What a weirdo," Bob muttered, "Go get 'em."

Bad Idea! ✐ FRERARDWhere stories live. Discover now