ct-26 What slides and slithers in the woods

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The ship carrying Kai and the others finally docked at Gama port in Mohja two weeks later. The waters were rough but they made it safely.

Amish of all people kept hurling. She was clearly not used to traveling by sea. She got used to the current after a few days.

She mostly stayed in her and Abel's cabin. She came out only at night and even then she had a scarf wrapped around her face. They couldn't take the risk of anyone aboard the ship noticing her long ears or sharp teeth.

It felt weird being in Mohja again. Most people would be happy to return home but Kai wasn't. This place was the root of his painful past.

Anytime Kai felt the pain of his past, he would look into eyes as blue as the sky's. And Katherine would smile at him. That was all the strength he needed.

Before leaving the ship, the captain gave 'Raffin' a satchel of gold.

Worlds best cousin, Kai thought.

Half of the gold was enough to buy two old horses from a horse trader at the port. Then they rode for three days — resting occasionally at inn's — till they reached the forest between Mohja and the other side.

"We're going to have to leave the horses here." Amish said.

"Why?" Abel asked.

He and Amish rode on one of the horses with him leading. While Kai and Katherine rode on the other. Something about Abel and Amish's relationship had changed.

But that wasn't Kai's concern.

"Aswangs prowl this forest. Shapeshifter in your tongue." Amish said as she got down from the horse.
"And even worse things than the shapeshifters are in this forest. The horses will be a burden, trust me."

So they left the horses.

"I feel bad for the horses. Just leaving them like this." Katherine had said, gently stroking the mane of the gray horse speckled with black spots she and Kai had ridden.

"They'll survive out here." Amish said "But in there, they'll be torn apart and eaten."

They walked into the forest, moving as quickly as they could but treading ever so lightly as well. They walked for over an hour. The sun had begun to set.

"How much farther?" Kai asked. Moving around this forest in the dark didn't seem like a good idea. Plus it had become eerily silent around them.

"Another hour."Amish said.

Then she suddenly stopped, her ears twitching. Kai felt it too. A mind like Viktor's. And if Garett's description was right, it was a mind like a shapeshifter. But this mind was very strong. There was something dangerously different about it.

"What's going on?" Katherine asked.

"Something is watching us." Amish said, her features grim.

"It's mind is just like Viktor's...only it's like a hundred times stronger." Kai said.

There was a quick movement from behind them. Kai turned back but nothing was behind them. Just some leaves scurrying with the aid of the harsh breeze the stalker creature created with its speed.

Kai unsheathed heros. It was instinct to bring Katherine closer to his side.

Then there was another speedy movement ahead of them, so fast it was almost a blur.

"Shouldn't we be running?" Abel asked.

"I'll give you a head start." A playful female voice whispered in Kai's ear.

MALAKAI (The 'Mala Series' book 1)Where stories live. Discover now