➹ Four➷

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Ew mornings, ew school. Life's so shit.

Yes, that was exactly what Sicheng said to himself the moment he reached school. Since his first day went by like a breeze with no one making fun of him, he felt that maybe, just maybe, he could experience a normal school life. 

The thing was, he didn't know what was waiting for him in the halls.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" A voice snarled the moment Sicheng entered the school compound. 

He turned his head around only to meet eyes with Taeyong, along with the rest of the group which had Johnny, Ten, Jaehyun, Yuta and Lucas. The students in the halls quickly scattered to the side when they saw them enter, funny to see the difference from yesterday's reaction. It was almost as if the sun was blocked by the dark clouds and the atmosphere turned dim and filled with fear.

Sicheng knew he needed to escape, but fear-filled him to the brim, which caused him to stone, the same feeling he felt many years ago.

"Isn't it the crippled little boy from our school?" Taeyong smirked while eyeing Sicheng up and down.

"What should we do about him? Oh look at his scared face, seems like momma isn't here to save ya is she?" The tallest of the group tormented.

The students watched as the group walked towards the poor boy since there was only a dead-end behind him, he couldn't escape.

"Oh no, poor him. He's the new target..." Sicheng heard a girl whisper to her friend with concern in her eyes.

Before Sicheng could react, he felt a hand grab onto his hair and lifted him up, due to his inability to walk, his legs couldn't help him balance. the other students watched as Taeyong punched Sicheng multiple times in the stomach, along with purposely flipping his wheelchair aside. Most of the inhumane actions were done by Johnny, Taeyong and Ten, while the others only watched, laughed and recorded everything down. 

Just as Taeyong was about to smash Sicheng's file on his head, a loud shout was heard from across the halls.

It was Doyoung.

"STOP RIGHT THERE! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?!!" Doyoung shouted at the six dudes while walking towards the group with Taeil, Kun, and Jungwoo.

The students started murmuring and whispering to each other. What was going to happen? It was like a showdown, at least everyone thought so, Taeyong and his group fighting with Doyoung and his. What was the result going to be?

"Don't think that just because I let you off the other time, you can treat me like this." Taeyong snarled.

"Just because you and your group are so handsome and popular, doesn't mean you can randomly bully innocent students." Doyoung hissed back.

Everyone watched with anticipation as Yuta whispered something in Taeyong ear, and Kun and Taeil run over to help Sicheng up and make sure he was alright.

"We'll settle this next time. I'm not going to let you off so easily." Taeyong finally said before giving Doyoung a glare.

The rest of Taeyong's group followed behind, Jungwoo quickly ran up and stopped Lucas. Lucas looked at Jungwoo up and down, before he knew it, the whole hall gasped.

Jungwoo had given Lucas a tight slap on the face, afterwards, a look that Doyoung knew wasn't good. At first, Lucas wanted to fight back but was stopped by Jaehyun who pulled him away.

As soon as the group disappeared around the corner, Doyoung and Jungwoo immediately ran towards Sicheng. Turns out, he had fainted. Taeil offered to carry him to the nurse's office to have him checked up, followed by Kun who wheeled Sicheng's wheelchair to the nurse.

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