➶ Eleven ➴

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The next day Sicheng came back to school, it felt like horror all over again. Why? Everyone avoided him, whispering to each other while pointing at him.

"Did you hear? Yuta cheated on that boy. I mean, who wouldn't?"

"Ugh, just as I thought he would transfer schools, he didn't!"

"If I were him, I would have had no face to even come to school anymore!"

"Look at him, just trying to gather our pity. It's not working."

Sicheng tried his best to ignore everything that was happening around him and wheeled himself to class. He was greeted by his very glad friends. Afterwards, they settled down and the teacher gave them some announcements. 

"Good morning class. Today will be quite a busy day for most of you, as today marks the start of picking the new Student Body President!" Professor Tiffany announced with joy.

"Those who want to sign up, please go to the Staff Room on the 3rd floor to take the sign-up sheet. Fill it in properly and remember to hand it up by April 1st! I'm really looking forward to this and I hope many of you will sign up! I see the potential in you!" Professor Tiffany smiled while encouraging the students.

Right after that, she went back to teaching Literature.

Literature, probably the most boring subject ever. All you do is learn about books and plays from the olden times. Sicheng was just about to fall asleep when-

"Sicheng, give me one impression from the sentence 'We pigs are brain workers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us' " Professor Tiffany asked.

Sicheng immediately awakened and grabbed his Animal Farm book to search for an answer.

"One impression is that... um, you will feel um.." Sicheng tried his best to answer.

"Deceitful, Sicheng! One impression from the pigs is deceitful!" Doyoung whispered after turning around to look at him.

"Deceitful. The impression is deceitful." Sicheng finally replied.

"Good. Now moving on." Professor Tiffany continued.

"Thanks, Doyoung hyung." Sicheng whispered back to Doyoung who gave him a thumbs up.

"Yuta, why did you do it?" Jaehyun asked Yuta as he sat down beside him with his lunch tray, along with the others.

"Yea, you seemed genuinely in love with him." Lucas added.

"I don't know, just felt like it." Yuta answered.

"I know you don't have to listen to me, but, I think you should apologise. Also, I feel like he is the one." Jaehyun advised.

"Why should I? It's my own life, and I don't care about your opinion on my things."

Everyone at the table except Yuta looked at each other. 

It seemed as though suddenly, everyone except Yuta had started accepting Sicheng and feeling bad for him. Why? Maybe it's Jaehyun's doing? But we will never know.

As the classes ended, Taeil called for Sicheng just as he was about to leave the school.

"Hey Sicheng, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do this with me."

"Do what?"

"You know Yuta cheated on you right? So it means he doesn't love you. We'll do something to make him fall for you but get jealous because he can't have you. You are worth so much and don't ever think lowly of yourself."

"Thank you but how?"

"I'll pretend to be your boyfriend. Simple and easy, we'll just act when Yuta is around. No big deal."

As soon as Taeil said his idea, Sicheng immediately flushed red. Was Taeil trying to hint something to him?

Usually, Sicheng wasn't really the type to seek revenge. He would simply forgive and forget, just like what his mother had told him to do. Yet, this time, the yearning feeling inside him took over and without thinking, Sicheng accepted the idea.

He watched as Taeil smiled the brightest smile ever as if he had beaten Doyoung in the recent Math test for the top of the class.

Sicheng then waved goodbye to Taeil who ran to his driver to get driven home.

On his way home, he thought about the plan. Just as he wheeled himself forward to a beautiful road of wonderous yet mesmerising peach blossoms. The large barks rested at the sides of the roads, the branches shifting ever so slightly with the wind. The soft afternoon sun glimmered through the small gaps in between the freshly bloomed flowers, the scent of the blossoms is feminine, soft, subtly sweet and incomparable. The soft wind blew and the rustling of the trees could be heard, some petals and tiny green leaves left the branches and twirled along with the wind.

Just as he was about to continue moving forward, he saw the shadows and backs of Doyoung and Jaehyun?

What were they doing here? Doyoung told them that he was rushing to meet his parents before they left for Italy for business meetings and potential collaborations.

He didn't want to make it seem like he was stalking them or trying to listen to their conversation, but he can't help but eavesdrop on them as they were talking quite loudly. The road was very empty and quiet, the only sounds were birds chirping and light footsteps from the two boys in front. Sicheng prayed they wouldn't notice him and tried to move as quiet as possible.

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Never Be the Same || yuwin✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang