➶ Fifteen ➴

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The students gathered outside the Voting Hall, discussing with their friends about who to vote. Sicheng had followed his friends to come vote, even though he really hasn't made a decision yet. Although he thought that he should vote for Doyoung since he was his friend, on the other end thought that it would be better if he voted for someone that would generally make the school become better.

"Hey Sicheng, we'll be going in now. Wait for us." Kun snapped Sicheng out of his train of thoughts.

"Oh. Sure thing." Sicheng hurriedly answered.

Just as his friends stepped into the hall, Yuta came up to him.

"Hi. Uhm, who are you going to vote for?" Yuta asked, scratching the back of his nape.

"Why should I tell you? Anyways, votes are supposed to be kept confidential." Sicheng frowned and glared at him, before wheeling away.

Just like that, Thursday ended with a flash. Sicheng was on his way home, this time with Jaehyun and Doyoung, who were constantly bickering with each other about literally anything.

"What are you even saying! I expected so much more from you and you're telling me that Spring starts in January?" Doyoung asked in frustration.

"Yea obviously that's when the new year starts so shoul-"

"Sorry to burst your bubble Jaehyun, but Spring does not start in January, at least not here in Korea." Sicheng cut Jaehyun off.

"Come to think of it, Sicheng, are you dating Taeil? I saw the 2 of you being so lovey-dovey to each other, at least Taeil was." Jaehyun suddenly asked after finally admitting defeat.

With that question being asked, Sicheng immediately got shy and embarrassed.

"We are not dating. It's just that after what happened, Taeil asked me if I wanted to do this idea that he had, so I agreed."

"So you teamed up with him to make Yuta jealous?" Doyoung concluded.

"I think so."

Doyoung immediately burst into laughter and started hitting Jaehyun, who almost jumped when Doyoung touched him

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Doyoung immediately burst into laughter and started hitting Jaehyun, who almost jumped when Doyoung touched him.

"Wow Sicheng, you really know how to make someone jealous." Jaehyun smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Sicheng wasn't sure if that was a compliment though, he never really liked making people feel any types of negative emotions.

(please put on From Home when reading this part!)

The next day right before school started, Sicheng went to vote. Just as the bell was about to ring, he heard some soft sniffles coming from a deserted washroom.

Sicheng didn't know why, but his body just wheeled himself over towards the sound.

When he entered the washroom, as quiet as he could, he saw, much shockingly, Yuta.

"Hey um, are you okay?" Sicheng whispered, but loud enough for Yuta to hear.

Yuta was seated on the ground, hugging his legs and covering his face. When he heard Sicheng's voice, his head popped up.

It was silent for quite a while.

Hence, Sicheng wheeled himself over and, with much strength from his arms, moved from seated on the wheelchair to the ground.

"It's okay man. Let's just put our past aside, you can tell me your problems. I promise I wouldn't tell anyone." Sicheng said.

Why was he doing this? Is it because of how vulnerable Yuta looked?

The two sat on the ground, ignoring the bell that signals the start of classes. 

"It's just...parents. I can't. I feel like they could do anything to me, just because I told them I do not want to take over the company," Yuta started, "I'm so stressed...I can't.."

Yuta started crying even more. Sicheng immediately took out the tissues from his bag and handed them to Yuta, which Yuta in return whispered a small 'thanks'.

"If you want, you can put your head on my shoulder."

With that, Yuta gently and very slowly placed his head on Sicheng's shoulder, while Sicheng placed his on Yuta's head.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you." Yuta suddenly apologised.

"It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes."

Sicheng smiled after hearing his apology. He has been waiting for this day, knowing that there will be a chance that Yuta never apologises to him, but he kept his hopes up.

"Life is like that you know, you won't always get what you want. Yet, even so, you need to learn to be strong, you need to learn to not be so emotional. Of course, if you want to cry, cry out loud for as long as you want, it makes you feel better. I heard about your past, I'm so sorry I didn't know. I apologise for being cold to you for the past few days."

"You're forgiven."

As Yuta finally calmed down, they heard another bell ring, signalling the start of another class.

"Do you want to go now?" Sicheng asked.

"No, let's just stay like this for a while." Yuta whispered.

Soon enough, both of them had dozed off.

"This way, I saw him this morning."

"Oh my goodness! Are they..good now?"

"Shhh! You might wake them. I hope they are. I kinda shipped them when they were together previously."

"Oh shut up. You were the one that told me to keep quiet now there you are talking so loudly?"

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that's the end of this chapter! sorry if it was a little short, my older sister is having her final exams and i got to go do the housework for her hahah. hope everyone would understand!

on a side note, I've recently gotten addicted to We Young once again, as well as Walk You Home. if you haven't listened to those songs, then you should really go check them out! also, just a gentle reminder, if you need anyone to listen to you about your problems, you can DM me on here or my Twitter(user on my profile). don't worry, i will be there for you.

 don't worry, i will be there for you

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11.09 am, 09/11/2020,

signing off,


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