➹ Sixteen ➷

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"Oh my lord, what?!" Taeil shouted a little too loudly when he entered the washroom with the others.

"So this is where Yuta has been the whole day!" Taeyong said as he popped his head into the washroom.

Shaken by the sudden loud noise, Yuta wakes up from his very peaceful sleep. He looks around and sees both his and Sicheng's clique in the washroom.

As soon as they saw Yuta wake up, they flooded him with countless questions but Yuta only told them to shush since Sicheng was still sleeping.

"What class is it now?" Yuta asked while trying to neaten his messy hair.

"There are no more classes. It's the end of the day." Johnny quickly answered while checking the time on his phone.

"Wakey wakey." Taeil whispered into Sicheng's ear.

The boy quickly opened his eyes only to see so many people crowded around him and Yuta.

"So, both of you have been here the whole day, skipping at least 13 classes. What are you going to say to the teacher now?"

"Also, are the two of you like on good terms now?"

"Y'all have been cuddling in this washroom for the whole day?? How?!"

"Here's the homework and notes for today. I was worried sick when you didn't show up to class Sicheng!"

"If only I had known this earlier. I would have skipped with both of you!"

"So, when are y'all going to officially start dating, like for real, like no cheating and stuff?"

"Can we get out of this place first and talk later? I think I'm feeling faint."

"Aye, I got an idea. Since Yuta and Sicheng finally made up, and my ship is sailing, how about let's put our hatred to each other away for tonight and hang out as one group of 11?"

Sicheng was just about to object to Jaehyun's idea but then he got wife-carried by Yuta, who placed him back onto his wheelchair and gently pecked his cheek.

"OooOOOoOoOoooOOOoooo!!" Everyone watching reacted in unison while Sicheng blushed a shade of deep red.

So that was kind of what happened. Sicheng didn't know how he got himself into this, but he was currently sitting at a classy glass round table with a white and gold embroidered table cloth and a vase of fresh orchids on the rotating tray.

He had called his parents to tell them he won't be home for dinner, but he didn't expect that he'll be eating at such an expensive restaurant, then he remembered. He was going to a school for the elites only. Sicheng wanted to slap himself for his dumbness.

"Everyone, just eat as much as you want, my uncle owns this restaurant, and I'm his favourite nephew." Ten beamed.

(here's how they're seated, sorry my handwriting isn't very good with the mouse)

Sicheng watched as Ten clapped and the door of the VIP room opened, revealing a dozen waiters and waitresses holding foods from all around the world

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Sicheng watched as Ten clapped and the door of the VIP room opened, revealing a dozen waiters and waitresses holding foods from all around the world. The food kept coming and coming that by the end of it, the table was almost overflowing with food.

"Enjoy yourselves!" Ten exclaimed with open arms.

"To Sicheng and Yuta for becoming friends again!" Jaehyun lifted his glass of milk.

(ps. they're only 16-17 here, so they're not legal yet)

Everyone clinked their glasses together, Taeil helped Sicheng do it.

That night was very strange indeed, the enemies seemed to have put their differences aside and made a truce. Maybe they will all become friends finally, who knows?

"We should do this again another time, maybe during summer break?" Jaehyun suggested and everyone agreed to Sicheng's surprise.

After stepping out of the restaurant building, everyone went their separate ways. Doyoung and Jaehyun walked home together as usual even though it was night and the rest got driven home. It was left with Sicheng and Yuta.

"Do you want to...walk home together?" Yuta asked.

"I'd love to, but I-"

"Right, let me rephrase. Do you want to go home together?" Yuta asked again in a polite manner.

"I would most definitely like that."Sicheng smiled.

Yuta then started pushing Sicheng so he did not need to wheel himself.

It was night time. The sky was as dark, but the bright crescent moon shone like a slight bulb bringing brightness to the world in the night sky. There were no stars that could be seen, sadly, since they lived in the city, but the bright city lights from the malls and roads glittered like sparkles. Even though it was night, the city was still bustling with people, going here and there.

"Thank you again, for being there for me."

"No problem, everyone needs someone they can lean on once in a while, I'm thankful that you were able to forgive me for my wrongdoings as well."

Those were the only two sentences said that night while they were going home. It was quiet for the rest of the journey, but it wasn't awkward. Instead, it was a comfortable silence that both of them enjoyed. Could this mean a new start to their life? Who knows? Maybe Professor Taeyeon does.

"Good night. Have a great weekend." Yuta whispered to Sicheng when they reached Sicheng's house.

"Good night to you too. If you ever face any other problems like that, remember, you can always call me."

Yuta then bent down and gave Sicheng a hug. It's been a while since he was hugged by Yuta, and only now did he realise how much he misses it.

With that, Sicheng opened his house door and went in. Yuta stayed outside and watched the shadows of, most likely Sicheng's parents greet Sicheng's shadow and bring him into a big warm hug. Sometimes he wished his family could be as understanding as other parents do, but I guess it's like they always say, you will always want what you don't have, so be grateful.

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double update yes!! this story is ending soon, probably in chapter 20? also today, my friend's insta got hacked but thankfully she got it back!! so be careful okay?

everyone I wish that you would be healthy and happy everyday! please study hard for your exams, if you have any. also, resonance pt 2 is coming so quickly I can't even believe it. i haven't even got over pt 1 and now they bringing in pt 2 so I'm probably going to get run over by a truck haha. 

not a meme but have a baby jisung!!  🥰💚💚 he's so cute I can't

not a meme but have a baby jisung!!  🥰💚💚 he's so cute I can't

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5.44 pm, 09/11/2020,

signing off,


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