➹ Twenty ➷

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2 years later...

"Yet again have our school been graced with talented and wonderful students. This year, not only does every single graduating student have a 100% pass, but they have also achieved a 100% entrance to college!" Mr Lee Soo Man announced with the brightest smile ever.

The hall immediately erupted with claps and cheers. The parents of the students gleamed and hugged each other in pride.

"Now, our top student of the year, with a GPA of 4.8, student Kim Doyoung!" Mr Lee announced and Doyoung walked up on stage to take a picture and receive his award.

"Second in line, with a close GPA of 4.7, Qian Kun and Kim Jungwoo!"

Everyone was smiling by the end of their graduation. Almost, if not everyone, had at least 2 bouquets of flowers in their hand, as well as their graduation certificate.

The 2 cliques had left their fights behind and became great friends, this year, all of them did very well. Their parents have all came to watched their children finally graduate in pride. 

"Great job Sicheng, I can't believe you beat me in Finals." Yuta spoke first when they met in the hall.

"Thank you. You did well too."

Doyoung was happy, hugging Jungwoo and his parents after.

"You must be Sicheng?" Mrs Kim asked with a kind smile.

"Yes, that's me."

"Doyoung told me so much about you! Thank you for helping Doyoung with his weak subjects. He really couldn't have done it without you." Mrs Kim patted his shoulders.

"Oh no no, it's no big deal really, and Doyoung helped me so much more in terms of both grades and also problems."

"Now I can finally go to the same college as my cousin!"Doyoung suddenly exclaimed.

"Doyoung ah, you've been in the same school as Jungwoo for so long, and you still want to go to college with him?" Mrs Kim asked.

"Wait. Jungwoo is Doyoung's cousin?" Yuta asked.

Everyone looked around in confusion. Wow, they never knew.

Just as everyone was about to leaveto hall to finally go home, Johnny spotted someone outside the school gates.

"JUNG JAEHYUN AH!!!!!" Johnny shouted and ran to him to give him a huge bear hug. The rest followed suite and huddled around him, forming a tight hug.

Jaehyun looked so much more mature though, wearing a suit with his hair styled neatly, he was carrying the largest bouquet of flowers. Behind him stood security guards and a shiny limo.

"Did you just arrive here? We've missed you so much! I heard you moved to America?" Johnny asked a whole list of questions.

Jaehyun only smiled and nodded to the questions, everyone looked in the direction Jaehyun was looking and saw Doyoung. As if on queue, Ten, Johnny, Yuta, Sicheng, Jungwoo, Taeil, Taeyong, Jungwoo, Lucas and Kun left the area and hid behind a wall to watch the show.

Doyoung walked slowly, but upon seeing Jaehyun, he ran as fast as he could to engulf him in a hug.

"I've missed you so much Jaehyun! I thought you've forgotten about me!" Doyoung was almost glowing with happiness.

"I would never forget about you. Congratulations on your graduation, I knew you could do it." Jaehyun handed Doyoung the bouquet of flowers.

"You're really pretty today." Jaehyun blurted out, afterwards leaning in to give Doyoung a peck on his lips.

Right after that Doyoung started blushing and became a huge mess, all while hitting Jaehyun.

"That could be us." Yuta smiked and Sicheng only rolled his eyes.

When Sicheng came home, his parents immediately ran over to hug him so tight, he couldn't breathe.

"We can't express how proud we are of you right now. We knew you could graduate!"His mother exclaimed and brought him to the dining table to show a whole feast in front.

That night, Sicheng was leaning out to his window, enjoying the night wind blowing against him. All of a sudden, he heard rustling of grass and leaves and when he looked down, he saw Yuta climbing the tree outside his window.

"Yuta?" Sicheng said in shock.

Being caught by surprise, Yuta only awkward scratched his nape and smiled.

"Are you...still up to date me?" Sicheng asked.

"Yes. I've been waiting, I always will."

"Let's date then. The time has come." Sicheng finally said.

He watched as Yuta grinned a bright smile and climbed all the way till he was right outside Sicheng's window, although still standing on the tree.

"Can I kiss you?" Yuta whispered.

"Yes, you may."

Yuta held Sicheng's face up with his finger and slowly leaned in. As soon as their lips touch, a familiar deja vu appears in Sicheng, and his stomach starts swirling with butterflies.

"I love you." Yuta finally said when they parted for air.

"I love you too, but dating you again will never be the same as before."

"Is that supposed to be good or bad?" Yuta asked, confused.

"Either way."

"Do you want to go, explore?" Yuta suddenly asked, changing the topic.

"I'd love to but..." Sicheng's smile faded when he looked at his legs.

"Don't worry." Yuta said as an idea popped up in his head.

"I have never felt this free!!" Sicheng shouted as Yuta ran.

Yuta was carrying Sicheng on his back, even though Sicheng was really conscious about his weight. The truth was, Sicheng wasn't even heavy, in fact on the lighter side.

So that was what they did that whole night, Yuta ran around the city, to the places Sicheng had wanted to go but couldn't because of his legs. Yuta was tired, yes, but seeing Sicheng so happy gave him the energy to move on.

"Thank you, you've really showed me a whole new world tonight." Sicheng thanked Yuta as they laid on the grass on top of a hill.

"I'd do anything for you, as long as you are happy." Yuta smiled.

"Although our relationship will never be the same, at least it would be better. So much better." Sicheng said and quickly pecked Yuta on the lips.

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