chapter 11

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Sophie reached out to Fitz the moment she got into bed. Fitz?

Sophie! God you scared me. His voice had a twinkle of a laugh.

How is everyone?

We're all doing fine, we got attacked by a giant bug. He laughed.

A giant bug?! Sophie gasped. Oh my god that is disgusting.

It wasn't that bad. There was green goo that came out of it when Ro sliced it's head off.

Sophie went bug eyed. Okay, I don't think I need to hear any more details.

He laughed. Keefe was cracking jokes about it for the rest of the day. I almost wanted to cut my ears off.

Ah, Sophie laughed, you wanted to pull a Van Gogh.


Sorry, human joke.

How are you doing? He asked her.

Sophie took a deep breath, not responding.

What? He sounded so concerned for her, she didn't want to tell him.

I, She took a deep breath. I have reached stage two. She said quietly.

Oh no. He breathed. That means we need to find the plant quickly.

Yeah. Sophie chuckled darkly. Sometimes I really hate myself. (#selfdepricatingjokes)

Why? He asked gently.

Sorry, nevermind. It was just a joke- He cut her off.

No, why would you say that? He insisted.

It, She sighed, not knowing what to say. I just, I wish you guys were home safe right now.

I do too. But we're doing this for you, and, he paused. You're worth the risk, Sophie.

Sophie didn't know what to say. Uh, thank you.

He smiled, Anytime. I'll talk to you again, tomorrow, okay? Goodnight Sophie.

She smiled back at him. Goodnight Fitz.

He cut off the tie. Sophie smiled in bed, for honestly no reason.

Closing her eyes, she eagerly drifted into sleep. Anything to get away from the dizziness and nauseousness that made her want to throw up.

(slight trigger warning? I'm not sure if it is triggering)

Sophie awoke the next morning gasping for breath. She hadn't had a nightmare that night, but as she awoke that morning she felt as if the walls were closing in on her and she couldn't see straight.

"Sophie?" Edaline asked her, why she was in Sophie's room, she didn't know. "Sophie, what's wrong?" Edaline was by Sophie's side in an instant.

Sophie curled up with her knees to her chest, she hugged herself as if this were a way for her to protect herself. "It's wrong. It's all wrong." She barely managed to choke out.

"What? What's wrong? Sophie, talk to me." Edaline was cradling Sophie, hugging her tightly and rocking her back and forth.

"They're going to get hurt. They're going to get hurt I just know it." Sophie breathed heavily. She was starting to get a headache from how the walls and the sheets of her bed were spinning in front of her eyes.

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