On The Line✨

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Invincible Era

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

You glower at the figure in the dimly lit room, your throat dry and laden with sleep. If looks could really kill, the man in front of you would have been murdered in cold blood.

"Trying to get some sleep. What does it look like?" the man you most despised right now replies, innocently strolling over to the bed. Your glare only intensifies as he bends his knees to sit.

"Michael, I swear," you seeth. "If you so much as think about sitting on that bed I will destroy you!"

Michael rolls his eyes, a heavy sigh escaping him.

"Here we go. I haven't even been home for thirty minutes yet and you're already givin' me all kinds of grief."

You sit up in bed, the anger brewing inside of your chest awakens you out of your state of slumber.

"I haven't seen you in almost two weeks and you think you can just slip into bed and everything will be okay? Who do you think you are?"

It was only three-thirty in the morning and already you knew this would be one of many arguments you and Michael would have before the day's end. It was your new norm. For some time now, you and your husband Michael had been on bad terms with each other.

You couldn't quite put your finger on when all of this started. You'd been married for twelve years, many of which had been blissful, but somewhere along the way, you'd fallen apart. At first, you didn't try to dwell on it. You figured that coming down from the honeymoon high was a normal thing all couples endured but eventually it became too much. The fights got nasty, Michael grew secretive and would disappear to avoid being around you.

The two of you were growing to resent each other and it was the single most devastating and defeating feeling in the world.

"I was recording in London," he replies, chewing the corner of his lip. "You know that."

"Liar!" You narrow your eyes at him " I don't know where you've been laid up but you're not laying with me."

Michael chuckles.

"And where do you suggest I go, Y/N?"

You shrug.

"I don't know. You could sleep outside with the giraffes and I wouldn't care. Just leave me alone."

You sink down into the mattress and pull the duvet over your head in an attempt to make your husband disappear.


Once you no longer hear his footsteps, you wipe away the sudden tears that form in your eyes. There was a time when you couldn't imagine not sleeping by his side but these days you sleep better without him.

A few hours later you were wide awake busy with making breakfast and getting all three of your children ready for school. You put on a chipper attitude for them, not wanting them to know about the storming angst between you and their father.

"Mom, is Daddy coming home today?" your daughter Cadence asks at the breakfast table.

You pick up a piece of toast and sigh. You'd been covering up Michael's unexplained disappearance by convincing the kids that he was away from work. It was enough to satisfy their curiosity but you had a feeling that soon you would have to reveal to them what was truly going on between their parents.

"Yes, Cady," you force a grin. "Today for sure."

As if you've conjured him up, Michael strolls into the kitchen emitting joyus reactions from the children. At that moment, you hate him. You hate him for being able to disappear and always return the conquering hero.

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