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"YOU NEED TO STOP THIS NONSENSE, ELIANA!" A HOARSE BUT LOUD VOICE echoed through the walls of the house, making the two little girls cuddle closer to each other

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"YOU NEED TO STOP THIS NONSENSE, ELIANA!" A HOARSE BUT LOUD VOICE echoed through the walls of the house, making the two little girls cuddle closer to each other. Alas, their parents were fighting again. This obviously wasn't the first time, because as they listened closely, the topic they were arguing about again was the usual subject that would always start their fights. The older girl was getting tired of her mother and father's arguments, and most of all, getting hurt because of her little sister's cries due to their loud screams of anger. Little Agatha covered her younger sister's ears once more, letting the little blonde cry into her chest.

"LIKE I TOLD YOU A HUNDRED TIMES, THOMAS. THIS COULD BENEFIT OUR FAMILY! AND HE, COULD KEEP US SAFE!" Their mother shouted back, mentioning a certain person she trusted to their safety, that still remained unknown to the children. Who is this he that their mother was referring to?



"THAT IS ABSURD! HAVE YOU GOTTEN ANY SENSE OF EQUALITY?! I THINK NOT!" Their father paused, catching his breath from the fight. "Merlin's sakes, Eliana. I am tired of arguing and bantering with you about this. And I wish for us to simply stop doing so." Their was a long pause, which made the children ease up a bit, making them feel as if their parents had stopped shouting at each other. And little Caroline slowly started to calm down onto her sister's chest. The older child went on to rubbing her sister's back, soothing her more, their eyelids luring them into sleep. But they jolted up awake once more when they heard their own mother speak up.

"Fine. I will make sure that we officially stop, from this day forward." But just as everything was already at peace, all of a sudden the two children had witnessed something absolutely terrifying. An event that will eventually scar them. Haunt them down for the rest of their lives.

And with that, an unforgivable curse was unleashed out of their own mother's wand.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" And soared did the green ounce of magic did. Gone was the mother they knew. The mother that was loving. The mother that kept them all together. The mother that had a soul, and held them all together like the glue of the family. Because she was. She was. Agatha kept herself from screaming, putting her own hand against her mouth, as quiet sobs came out of her and her sister. Caroline did the same, her tears wetting the nightgown of her the older Wright. As the girls silently mourned for the loss of their father, memories of their childhood came back and started to swiftly flash before them. Joyful memories that lasted just for a while, and now, were forever erased.

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