Chapter 28 New Gem; Bitter End

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Steven doesn't know what to feel at the moment.

On one hand he feels immense satisfaction in killing the curly haired fuck that cause him to be captured and killed. On the other hand though he feels sick thinking about all of those that he killed back at the facility during his rampage.

It's all made even worse when he remembers that he spared Jasper, Jasper of all gems, even after everything she did to him. Thinking that he shouldn't stoop to their level and yet he didn't even bat a eye back at the facility. This made him feel like a hypocrite and it just adds to the jumble of feelings he's having at the moment.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a hand laying on his shoulder. Looking to the hands owner he saw Vidalia giving him a concerned/comforting smile.

Vidalia:"You alright kiddo?"

Steven:"*Snorts* I don't think 'alright' can be used to describe me anymore"

Vidalia:"*Chuckles* I don't think it ever was"

That did get a chuckle out of him, though it didn't last long. Sighing, he takes look around Vidalia's living room.

Not much has changed since he was last here other than a new painting that caught his attention. It appeared to be a painting with two of him and a black line going down the middle separating them. One side showing him before his change, all normal half human Steven with a bubbly smile on his face. The other side showed him after that fateful mission that changed his life forever, the monster she found that stormy night.

Adverting his gaze to his hands he notes that ever since then he has become worse. Fighting instead of talking things out, quick to anger, and ruthless to his foes. All of these changes leave him question if he's still even the same person anymore.

Steven:"Vidalia, when you look at me do you still see Steven?"

Vidalia was honestly taken aback by this.

Vidalia:"W-What do you mean?"

Steven:"I mean do you still see the bright young boy that used to come over and play with Onion... or do you see something else"

This honestly had Vidalia become a bit worried. It would seem to her that Steven believes that he's no longer himself and instead someone else. She would need to choose her words carefully when answer for it could have a impact on what he thinks from this moment forward.

Vidalia:"What I see... is a boy growing up, becoming who he is based on what he experiences in life"

She could see the confusion on his face and she elaborates.

Vidalia:"From all the things you have experienced, be they good or bad, they have shaped you into who you are. You may not see yourself as who you once were but that's okay; no one stays the same. *Chuckles* Hell back in my day I was a no good punk that always got into trouble for either breaking things or trespassing"

She then looks up at a portrait of her and her family hanging on the wall.

Vidalia:"But look at me now. A wife with a loving husband, two kids, and a passion for art"

She looks back to Steven with smile.

Vidalia:"People change and theirs nothing wrong with that. You will always be you no matter what you may think"

As she let her words sink in she could see a smile spread across Stevens face. Mentally patting herself on the back she returned the smile with one of her own.

Steven:"Thank you Vidalia, I really needed that"

Vidalia:" Anytime Steven, I'm always here to help"

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