Chapter 12

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I lied to Justin Foley. I dropped him off at our house after class. I told him Zach agreed to tutor me, which made Justin really happy. It was a lie, all of it. I just needed some alone time, where I could forget.

Justin would be disappointed with me but I didnt care. Drinking alcohol was the only thing that had been helping me these past few days. Justin promised to help but there were things even Justin couldnt help me with.

My Chemistry teacher told me I got a very low score from that take home quiz I half assed because of the dinner I had with Justin. She told me that she would need to talk to my parents if it keep happening.

Fuck that. Fuck Chemistry. Fuck school.

I really thought I would no longer depend on alcohol to forget after my talk with Justin last night. I promised myself that this would be the last time I would touch an alcohol bottle. One last time before I start getting my shit together.

Numb. My body was numb. I didnt want to disappoint my parents but I already did. I needed to fix this, they couldnt know about this.

My mouth was now used to the bitter taste of alcohol. It tasted horrible but now I could finally understand why some people drink. They do it to escape, even just for a short amount of time.

Justin Foley was swimming through my thoughts. He was the best and worst thing that ever happened to my life.

He promised me that he would help me. He told me to trust him and thats what I was going to do.

When I finished the bottle, I threw it outside not giving a fuck where it landed.

I quietly cried inside the car. Thinking about my future, my plans for college, my parents expectations of me. I thought about graduation, my parents attending but it werent for me. It was for Justin.

Fuck school. Maybe if I kept saying it like a mantra I would magically pass all of my failing subjects.

I started the engine and slowly drove home. I felt a bit better but not entirely. I looked at the rearview mirror before going out. I checked how I look, made sure my eyes werent red and watery, made sure my hair werent sticking out everywhere.

When I entered the house. My world started crashing down in front of me. My parents were both looking at me and Justin was behind them.

"Clay," My dad asked. His voice was serious and stern. "Where were you?"

I looked at Justin, he looked worried and guilty.

"Answer me," My dad repeated. This time he made sure I would answer him. "Where were you?"

"I-," I swallowed the truth and spoke a lie. "I was at Zach's. He offered to tutored me."

"I called Zach," It was Justin. "You werent answering your phone so I called him. He said you werent at his place."

"Clay, have you been drinking?" I looked at my dad and I noticed he was holding the empty alcohol bottle I drank last night.

I looked at Justin and now I could finally understand the guilt in his eyes.

"Did you tell them?" I could feel my anger rising up. The alcohol giving it a boost. Justin didnt answer.

"Clay," It was my mom. She sounded heartbroken, betrayed. "You're failing four subjects? Is that true?"

How could he? How could Justin tell them. How could he promise to help me and do the exact of opposite of that.

"No I-" Justin didnt let me finish.

"I told them," Justin was standing behind my dad. What a fucking coward.  "I knew you were drinking again when Zach told me he wasnt tutoring you."

"I told you not to tell them." The tone of my voice was deadly.

"You promised not to drink." Justin countered.

"You fucking snitch," It was the alcohol talking. I tried stopping but I couldnt. "I shouldnt have trusted you."

"Clay." Justin sounded hurt. My words were bullets and Justin was taking all the shots.

"Its not Justin's fault," My dad defended Justin. Now the were ganging up on me, their real son. "How could you do this behind our back?"

"I wasnt," I was fidgeting. Looking for lies to tell my dad. "It was just one time."

"Clay," Justin chimed in. "You've been drinking more than one time."

"Fuck you!" I hissed at Justin. I could hear my mom gasp at my attitude.

"Clay-" Justin sounded like he was two steps away from crying.

"Fuck you. Why did you fucking tell them?" I couldnt stop myself. It was the alcohol pouring all of my anger and frustration on the one person that had been helping me get through this situation.

"Im worried about you." Justin's eyes were red, his voice was shaking.

"You're not." I glared at him.

"Clay plea-" Justin looked destroyed.

I had one more bullet and I couldnt stop firing. One more bullet and it went through Justin Foley's chest.

"Why are you even talking? Why are you even here, Justin? You're not even a part of this family."

"Clay, stop." My mom tried but she couldnt. No one could.

My whole world stopped. I could feel the alcohol leaving my body. Everything stopped and I heard Justin Foley with his quivering voice excused himself. I couldnt see his face because he was already walking away from us, from me.

I didnt mean that. Come back. I need you. Justin, Please.

"You're grounded!" My dad screamed. He looked pissed and I rarely see my dad get mad.

"I- Im sor-" But Justin couldnt hear me. Im sorry Justin.

"Go to your room!"

I shot Justin when I promised him I would take a bullet for him. I let my anger devour Justin with my words. The same Justin that never left my side. The same Justin that begged Ani that I didnt deserve to get dumped over text. The same Justin that loved me more than himself. The same Justin that I loved the most.


Hi! So I tried something new today, I published two chapters for this story in one day.

Also, Clay what have you done?! Go get your man! Poor Justin, writing this made me really feel for Justin.

Hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I appreciate all of the comments, votes and even story suggestions. <3

- G

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