Chapter 31

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I received a text message from my dad before the dismissal bell rung. He asked me to go to the hospital, today was the day of Justin's check up. My mom couldnt go so my dad was the one who went with him. Justin was very nervous this morning, I had to make sure he was calm before going to school, resulted to me being late for my first class. Which was fine, I didnt think I could ever leave Justin feeling anxious like that.

On the way to the hospital was slow but unsteady. My mind was overthinking about the situation, about Justin's illness. What if he got something, like an uncurable disease because of his addiction, I dont think I could ever forgive his past for ruining his present and his future.

I opened the radio, maybe listening to a song would clear up my brain and replace the negative thoughts with something hopeful, something positive. Listen Before I Go by Billie Eilish. Fucking perfect, another depressing song to suit what I had been feeling right now. I turned off the radio and just listened to my own breathing, it was more calming, something that would let me grasp on the reality. I texted Justin and my dad, telling them that I was now on my way. I didnt get a reply, which made me panic even more.

My thoughts were flying on places I didnt want to dwell in, places that were forbidden. What if Justin dies? It was something I was sure I couldnt handle, losing him would mean losing everything and I couldnt afford that. Losing Justin would mean losing my sanity, losing that one flickering light at the end of a tunnel. I already lost Hannah Baker, though she was not mine in the first place, I couldnt lose Justin when I finally found a safe haven in his arms.

The hospital was almost empty, it looked like an abandoned place on some apocalypse movie. I saw a nurse sitting down on the information area, I walked forward, looking around and waiting to see my dad or Justin. I didn't bother asking for direction since there were arrows painted on the walls, showing you where to go. Waiting area, I followed the sign, I figured they would be there.

I immediately saw my dad and there was Justin, sleeping on my dad's shoulder. I mildly raised my hand and my father saw me, he tilted his head, asking me to come over. He was trying not to move, afraid he would wake Justin up.

"What happened?" I sat on the chair beside my dad. I looked at Justin and he looked stressed and fearful even when he was sleeping.

"We're just waiting for the results," My dad smiled weakly at me. "We've been here for hours. The doctor said that if they do not see anything wrong with Justin right now, they will request another set of test."

"Dad," I wanted to stay calm but I could feel myself panicking and the ambiance of the hospital was making me more anxious. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Clay," He gently tapped my cheek, it was his form of comfort. "Justin is going to be okay."

I looked at my bare hands. I couldnt stop thinking about scenarios in my head, scenarios where things didnt end well. I started biting my nails, looking at my watch and the time was not moving. I wanted to know the results but the other side of me would prefer if I just stay in the dark. Sometimes, not knowing was better for our mental health.

My dad seemed to notice I was not in the best state of mind, he called for my name twice and rubbed my shoulder. I looked at him, my eyes were teary and red.

"Can you get me a coffee on the vending machine?" He told me, he wanted to make me busy, distract me even for just a few minutes. My dad does drink coffee but he was never a big fan of it, I knew he just asked me to get one so that I could get my mind out of Justin's situation.

I nodded and he handed me his coin purse. Breathe slowly, Clay. I was counting my steps, I was looking around. Peeking into different rooms, sick people were on hospital beds. I couldnt let Justin be one of those people. Twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four. I finally reached the vending machine and got my dad a cup of coffee.

I was about to go back when I heard a wailing sound from my left. It was a woman, she looked like a mom. She was on the floor, crying and there were two female nurses trying to assist and hold her.

"I didn't get to say goodbye," I felt like I was being invasive, putting my beak on someone else's business but I couldnt help but listen. "I- I just bought him a toy this morning."

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry." One of the nurse was rubbing her back, she looked sad. It must had been hard to work as a nurse or a doctor, knowing the patients you had been seeing everyday would one day leave.

I could no longer stomach what was happening, hearing the grief and loss from that woman's voice was not helping at all. I went back on the waiting area, when I got back. Justin was already awake, he didnt see me because he was looking at my dad who was now talking to the doctor. The beat of my heart was painful, it was hard, I could feel it hitting my ribs every second. I walked beside my dad, gaining the strength to listen.

"What's going on?" I asked out of nowhere and the doctor stopped, looking at me with confusion in his eyes.

"It's okay," My dad assured the doctor and asked him to continue. "He is my son too."

"As I was saying," My eyes were focused on his mouth, listening to every word he was saying. "Justin has a Mild Pneumonia, your dad told me about Justin's past and his drug addiction. Were still not sure if he got it there, were only presuming, with little to no evidence."

"But he," My lips were dry and my hands were numb, the hot feeling of the coffee cup I was holding was not bothering me. "He's been sober for three months."

"Yeah," My dad added, supporting my statement. "Is it possible that he got it from somewhere else?"

"Like what I said, where only presuming for now that he got it from drug intake," The doctor handed my dad the prescription for Justin. "But it doesnt matter where he got it, a Mild Pneumonia is easily curable."

"I prescribed him antibiotics that he needs to take for two weeks," The doctor continued. "Im afraid he'll need to take a week off of school for now, his body needs rest."

"Is he going to be okay?" I found myself asking the question I had been dreading the answer.

"He is. Dont worry, kid." The doctor smiled warmly at me. "Your brother is going to be fine."

Your brother is going to be fine. Justin Foley was going to be fine, my world stopped and somehow hearing those words come out of the doctors mouth lifted all of the anxiety and worries I had been feeling for days.


Okay its finally out, I told y'all I wouldnt do Justin Foley dirty. Were going to make sure he's happy and well throughout this story, I promise.

Ive been reading all of your comments telling me not to kill him off on this story, I promise Justin isnt going anywhere. Love you all.

- G

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