Chapter 16

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I was sitting on the living room couch beside Clay. Lanie and Matt were sitting on the opposite side, the room was quiet. All I could hear was Clay's breathing, I couldnt even hear myself breathe.

"I talk," Lanie's voice were booming, it was loud. She pointed at me and Clay. "You two, listen."

We already told them everything that happened. How Clay apologized earlier in school, how I acted and thought of leaving. Clay also vented to his parents how he felt like he wasnt being appreciated by the two of them. Matt and Lanie took it all in. Clay told them how he was drinking alcohol secretly for the past days, how he was failing his subjects. We told them everything. Except for the kiss.

The kiss that we didnt talk about after. Was it normal? To kiss your brother? Not in an incest-y way because Clay and I werent brothers by blood, we became brothers by fate and choice.

"Justin," Lanie exhaled. "We are your family, I want you to one hundred percent know that. We love you, just like how we love Clay."

Hearing it come from her warmed up my heart. My mom never really cared for me, she never really prioritized me, it was always Seth or one of her boys. It was always drugs over Justin. To hear those words came out of someone's mouth, someone who didnt give birth to me, gave me an enormous amount of hope. I looked at Matt and Lanie and then I glanced at Clay. I finally found a family. My family.

"But I just want to say that I am disappointed that it took you weeks to tell us about Clay's grades," She continued like a typical mother figure. I scratched my head and muttered an I'm sorry. She looked at Clay. "And Clay, alcohol? Really?"

The guilt from Clay's face was recognizable, I saw that same guilt oozing down his face when he apologized to me at school earlier.

"Failing grades I can forgive but alcohol? Don't tell me you've been drunk driving aswell?" Clay looked down and went silent. Silence meant yes. Lanie pinched the top part of her nose and sighed. "You guys are giving me a headache."

Matt rubbed the back of his wife and raised his eyebrows at us and made a zipping mouth action using his other hand. He had been completely quiet since we started the conversation. Matt already talked to me this morning and I was guessing he already gave Clay the talk before going to school.

"Clay, we love you okay? Your father and I needs you to trust us more. I know its not a problem we can solve overnight but know that as your parents, we dont want you carrying your problems alone." Lanie continued.

"Were going to get you a tutor," Lanie's face was now relaxed but she still sounded angry. "But you're still grounded."

Clay nodded. He was a smart guy but smart or not, if he couldnt prioritize his studies, failing would be inevitable. Now that his parents were now involved, Clay would finally have the push he needed to focus on his studies.

"Justin," Lanie looked at me. "You're also grounded."

"What?" Clay protested. "But he didnt do anything."

"He was a part of it because he kept it from us too." Lanie explained. Which was fair.

"Thats not fair." Clay countered but I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Its fair, Clay." I admitted. "Its alright, it's not like I have anywhere else to go after class."

"But your support group." Clay was still thinking of me. He was the best brother I could ask for.

"It's fine, I think I'm done with it anyways." I said. I learned things I would never learn anywhere else from the support group and it helped me alot. But right now? I thought I no longer need it.

"Are the both of you done whispering to each other?" Lanie stood up and took her phone out from her back pocket. "Go upstairs, I'll order chinese. We'll call you when its here."

Clay was sitting on his bed. I was sitting on mine. The silence was comfortable but there was a noise knocking at the back of my head. The kiss.

"Clay," My voice echoing in the room. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Clay fixed his position on his bed, it squeaked a few times. "What is it?"

I bit my lower lip. Praying that Clay wouldnt take offense on my question. I took a deep breath, calming my nerves. Ask him now.

"Why did you kiss me?" It was out now. Clay looked like he was expecting the question. It was probaby bugging him too.

"I dont know," Clay shrugged it off. "Do you hate me for doing it?"

"No," I quickly said, not risking the chance of Clay thinking I hated him. I could never hate Clay Jensen. He could push me off of a building and I would still thank him. "No. I could never hate you, Clay."

There was silence again. Clay wasnt moving but he was breathing, so was I. The ticking of the wall clock was the only sound I could hear.

"It was nice," I bit the inside of my cheek. Clay's eyebrows were knitted, confusion on his face. "I mean the kiss. It was nice."

"I liked it." I continued and Clay's ears perked up.

He stood up and there were longing in his eyes, he walked towards me. Things became slow motion in my vision, Clay was walking towards my direction. I knew what he was going to do. I sat still, waiting for him.

Clay Jensen tilted my chin and planted his lips on mine. His lips were cold, like swimming on an ocean bare naked. I let the waves hit me. I let the water drip all over my body. I kissed him back.

Was this right?

It felt right, kissing Clay Jensen felt like the right thing to do. Like his lips belonged on my lips. Like a missing puzzle piece, it fit perfectly.

Was this right? To be completely honest, I didnt care. Clay Jensen was a damn good kisser and I was enjoying every minute of it.


New chapter! Omg I'm so sorry I didnt get to upload yesterday (I'll try to upload one more chapter today to make up for it)

Drama is now done (for now), time for Clay and Justin to figure out their feelings for each other.

- G

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