Chapter 30

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I didn't go to school today, I was just in my bed resting, reading the novel I borrowed from the library I still havent finished yet. What happened the other day when I fainted during P.E. class somehow reached Lanie and Matt, Clay was already planning on telling them but the school's guidance councelor, Dr. Priya, reached them first. She adviced them to get me checked up and let me rest for a few days, she said that I would be excused from my class since my reason was valid.

Lanie took a day off from her work to take care of me. I kept insisting that I would be fine on my own but she didnt listen, now I know where Clay got his hard headed attitude sometimes.

There was a knock on my door, the door sprung open. Lanie was holding a tray of food, there was a soup and a mixed of sliced fruits on another bowl. She set down the tray on the bed beside me. She placed her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature if it was normal.

"Thank you." I was referring to the food she prepared for me. Lanie really was the mother that my blood mom failed to be. It touched me, it made me feel grateful and lucky.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, she sat on the bottom part of the bed near my feet. Clay got her mother's personality, I could definitely see it.

"I feel better." It was the truth, I felt better than last night when I woke up from that terrible nightmare.

"Justin," She looked worried and she had every right to be. "You have to tell us if you're not feeling well, okay?"

I nodded. Ashamed that I kept this from Lanie and Matt, that I didnt tell it immediately to Clay. I just didnt want to be a bother, I didnt want to weigh them down even more when they were already facing problems of their own.

"We already scheduled your check up, it's in two days." Lanie announced. Getting checked up was making me scared, there was a fat chance they would see something wrong in my system, what if they see an uncurable illness? "I still dont know if I can take another day off and go with you but if I cant, Matt will."

"Thank you, Lanie." I would forever be in debt to the Jensen's. They gave me another chance to prove myself that I deserved this life.

"Mom," Lanie gave me a half supressed smile, like she wanted to scold her child for doing something bad. "I told you to call me mom."

"I'm sorry," I gave her an honest answer. It was not personal, I was just not used to it. "I guess, I'm still getting used to it."

"Matt talked to me the other day and I want to tell you that you and Clay are no longer grounded. But you have to promise me that you will keep resting for now." She stood up and placed a sweet and warm kiss on my forehead. "If you need anything, I'll be downstairs okay?"

I nodded and thanked her again, she closed the door behind her leaving me all alone once again. I took a few spoonfull of the soup Lanie prepared, I popped some fruits inside my mouth before going back to the book I was reading. I took out the bookmark I used between the pages, it was a receipt I took home from a convenience store purchase.

Before I could continue reading I heard the notification sound on my phone. Instead of ignoring it, I closed the book and grabbed my phone from the bed side table. It was a text from Alex Standaĺl. I clicked the notification and it directly brought me to the message.

Foley, talked to Clay and he told us that you wouldn't be able to go to class for days. Keep resting, will send you some of my notes, my handwriting is not the best so its your job to decipher it if you want to learn. Kidding aside, I will tell all of our teachers about your situation dont worry. And yeah, Zach says get well soon.

This was by far one of the longest text Alex had sent me, I scrolled through our past conversation and I was right. Mostly, it was just small talks, the last time he sent a lengthy message was the day before my rehabilitation.

Thank you, Standall. I appreciate it so much. I know you and Zach are also not in the best place of your lives right now but I want you to know that we will all get through this, we always do. Also, please tell Zach to look after Clay while I am resting and getting better. I wrote my reply, read it twice and hit sent. Zach and Alex were facing a dilemma of their own, Zach got kicked out from his house because of his relationship with Alex which I thought was pretty fucked up. Getting sad over your kid's sexual preference was one thing, disowning your child was on a whole another level.

I placed my phone back on top of the bed side table. I yawned, feeling my sleepiness whispering in both of my ears, gently tickling it. I abandoned the book I was reading, I grabbed the nearest pillow and started cuddling it pretending it was Clay.

I had a nightmare again, the settings was the same, it was in the hospital but the scenario was different. We were on the waiting area, I was with Clay. Lanie was talking to the doctor, crying, Matt was comforting her. I nudged Clay's shoulders but he didnt feel it, he just ignored me. He was looking down, his eyes were filled with despair. I stood up and slowly walked to Lanie and Matt's place, the doctor was explaining something. I took another step, I wanted to hear what the doctor was saying.

"I'm so sorry," The doctor's voice was symphatetic. "We did everything we could but his body gave up."

"Who's body?" I asked out of nowhere but no answer, they couldnt hear or see me.

"How are we going to tell Clay?" Lanie sobbed on her husband's chest.

"I'll tell him." Matt looked broken but he was the most stable right now. Matt slowly walked towards Clay who was quiet, staring at the ground. I followed him.

"Clay," Matt sat down beside his son, wrapped one arm around Clay's shoulder. "He's gone. Your brother is gone."

Were they talking about me? No. Please, no. I ran toward the room where the doctor came from. I kicked the door open and there I was. I was lying on the hospital bed, the body bag was unzipped on the top part. I couldnt die. Please, no. Who's going to take care of Clay? He's going to lose it if I die. I cant die, please.

I woke up with sweats all over my forehead, my back and armpits were sweating. The door opened and Clay entered the room, when he saw me, he dropped the bag he was holding and quickly went beside me.

"Justin," His smell was calming me down. "What's wrong?"

"Its-" I was breathing heavily. I was afraid I was close to getting one of those attack's I had been getting lately. "Its just a nightmare."

Clay wrapped me around his arms, protecting me from the demons that kept haunting me. Clay became my protector that moment he saved me from the streets, he became my guardian, my security. I couldnt die, who would take care of Clay if I die? I couldnt.


New chapter guys. I just want to say thank you to everyone, thank you for the 10k reads and we reached the #12 rank on the hashtag #boyxboyromance you guys are amazing wtf!

Also if you want to know whats going on with Zach and Alex, please make sure to read their story (Its up on my profile, title is fix you)

- G

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