Chapter 20

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There were two tiny box in front of me. It was wrapped in bubble wrap and a thin baby blue ribbon. I was alone in our room, I could feel my heart beat out of my chest from nervousness. This was the first time that I bought something for someone else. Hell, I barely even buy stuff for myself.

Clay was already on his way home, Lanie asked him to join her do grocery since Matt couldn't and she needed someone to carry the bags. Yes, were still grounded but it was an exception because it was Lanie who requested it.

I ordered this gift yesterday when I borrowed Clay's laptop. He was actually suspecting that I was talking to someone else when he saw me ordering, he tried peeking from my back but I was faster, I already closed the tab. Clay even told me, with his most understanding voice, that he would appreciate it if I tell him if I wanted to talk or flirt with someone else.

Delusion. I only like one person and he knew exactly who it was.

I used up all of my savings from my school allowance that Lanie and Matt gave to me every week. Was it practical? I dont think so. But would it make Clay happy? I hope so.

My phone vibrated and I got a text from Clay, he said they just had one stop over and it was at Krispy Kreme. He asked me if I wanted anything, my answer was an Iced Coffee. I know it was going to be an unpopular opinion and I might get cancelled for saying this, but I was never a fan of donuts, or anything sweet at all. To each their own, I guess.

Would Clay like and appreciate this? I looked at the tiny box in front of me. The other one was actually for me, something to match what I got for Clay.

It was a token of gratitude for all of the things Clay had done for me. For always taking care of me, for providing emotional and physical support, for being a great roommate and an amazing cuddler.

A few minutes had passed and I heard the sound of a car engine outside the house, I peeped in the window and it was Clay and Lanie. They were already home, Clay was holding four grocery bags on his hands and another one he was hugging on his chest. Carrying five grocery bags? That was talent.

I waited for a minute or two and then I heard someone walking towards the door, it was Clay. I hid the box's behind me, took out my phone and started looking at my blank screen, acting as if I was busy.

The door opened, Clay was wearing a red hoodie and a skinny jeans. Clay looked good in red, actually he looked good in anything. But he looked his best wearing nothing. Just saying.

"Hey," He sat beside me, gave me a kiss on the cheek. "What are you doing?"

"Flirting with that girl I was talking to yesterday, remember?" I teased, Clay was about to throw a tantrum when I winked at him and said. "Just kidding, I'm not talking anyone else."

"You're an ass." He pushed me playfully and stood up, he looked surprised when I grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?" I asked, with my most innocent voice.

"On my bed?" Clay told me, he looked confused why I was even asking that question.

"Wait," I didnt let go of his arm. "I have a surprise for you."

"What?" My statement caught Clay's attention. "Did I get you pregnant or something?"

"Clay, you cant get me pregnant by kissing." I tapped the place beside me, asking him to sit.

"I know." His cheeks became pink as he sat beside me.

"Close your eyes," I took the box's behind me and placed it in front of Clay. "You can open it now."

"Justin, I swear." Clay opened his eyes. He looked at the two small box in front of him. He took it and started shaking it. "What is this?"

"See it for yourself," I grabbed the other box, the one that was for me. "Let's unwrap at the same time."

We untied the baby blue ribbon and teared up the bubble wrap. Clay couldnt properly open a gift, to save his life. He was tearing it on different sides, like a wild wolf. When he reached the last box, he opened it and took out what was inside.

It was a necklace, with the letter C as the pendant. C for Clay. Mine was J, J for Justin.

"Justin, I-" He was speechless and based on his expression, it seemed like I hit the homerun. He was loving it. "You didn't have to"

"I want to," I showed him the necklace that I got for myself. "It could be like our promsie ring, a promise necklace."

"I love it," He jumped on me and wrapped both arms around my neck. "Thank you, Justin."

"No," I gave him the hug back. "Thank you for everything."

"Wait," Clay pulled away from our hug. He took the necklace from my hand and replaced it with the one that I got for him."Lets switch necklace."

He gave me the necklace with the C on its pendant. The one with the J pendant was now on his hand.

"I want you to wear my initial," Clay wore the necklace on his neck, I followed him and did the same. "And I'll wear yours."

"That's genius," I admitted, smirking at him. "Kind of romantic too."

"Did you use your savings for this?" Clay asked, curiously.

"Yeah," I would use up my savings over and over again for Clay Jensen. "Dont worry, it's not that expensive."

"Still. I feel bad, I didnt get you anything." Clay pouted.

"Clay," I giggled. He looked so cute. "You dont have to get me anything."

"But-" He was protesting.

"Actually," I grinned at him. "I would love some kisses right now."

"The chocolate?" Clay was dumbfounded, I exhaled loudly and then his face lit up finally getting I wasnt asking for some chocolates.


Went out with my family today and as much as I would love to write when im outdoors I just really cant.

But here you go guys. Enjoy.

PS: I will write the new chapter for Fix You later. Im going to need some nap first.

- G

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