Chapter 23

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I was silently observing everyone during our dinner. Lanie and Matt were very talkative, they were commanding the flow of the conversation. Maria was friendly, answering all of their question, some of them were too personal. Clay on the other hand, was not having it, he looked like he wanted to storm off the dining area and not come back.

My eyes were watching Clay. I tried my best to not be obvious and it seemed like no one was even paying attention to me. They were all engrossed in whatever it was they were talking about. Clay was playing with his food, he looked like a kid who was close to having a tantrum.

"So how's Clay doing?" Matt coughed, changing the topic, Maria and Lanie were talking about make ups and cosmetics.

"He's doing great, I feel like he doesnt even need me anymore." Maria announced to Matt and Lanie. "Right, Clay?"

Clay was not listening. He was poking a piece of green peas on his plate using his fork. Lanie nudged him.

"What?" He looked around, unaware of what was happening around him. I bit down my lip, fighting the urge to laugh.

"I said I feel like you no longer need me as your tutor," Maria repeated. "Your improvement was really out of the park."

"Really?" Clay looked like he was high, up in the clouds, daydreaming.

"Yes," I could sense Maria was starting to feel awkward. She looked at Lanie. "This pasta is really good."

"Its actually my recipe." Matt said with confidence in his voice. Lanie rolled her eyes jokingly and they continued the conversation.

I hit Clay's feet under the table and he quickly glanced at me. What? He mouthed. I shook my head, implying I didnt want anything. Smile. I mouthed back. I lifted my hand and drew a smiley mouth in front of my own mouth.

Clay sighed and then forced himself to smile. It didnt look friendly at all, it was creepy, he looked like he was the Joker and he was ready to murder all of us.

"Too much." I whispered, but before he could fix it everyone on the table was already looking between us.

"Boys, what are you guys talking about?" Lanie asked, she wiped her mouth with the napkin on the table.

"Nothing." Clay and I said simultaneously.

"Anyway," Lanie started. She was talking to Maria but the whole table could hear it. "Maria, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Mom." Clay said, trying to stop Lanie.

This was what Clay was dreading. He knew the reason why his parents invited Maria over dinner was to set her up with him. Maria was pretty, smart and she was a family friend. If I was Clay's parent, I would also push him to date her.

I was quiet, watching how everything unfold in front of my own two eyes. This was amusing, popcorn was the only thing missing. At this point of my life, no one could shake my trust in Clay. So I just sat back and listened.

"What?" Lanie was annoyed at Clay's objection. "Anyway, Maria-"

"Mom, stop." Clay was breathing heavily

"Stop what?" Confusion was written all over Matt's face. "Your mom was just asking if Maria has a boyfriend."

"You're making her uncomfortable." Clay spoke. Maria was not the only one, it was also making Clay uncomfortable thats why he was speaking up.

"Were not," Lanie placed a hand on Maria's shoulder. "Are we making you uncomfortable Maria?"

"No," Maria was handling it well. I couldnt imagine being sandwiched by a family arguing over you. "Its totally fine."

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