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A/N: Go follow my Fleur account! @MrsVeelaWeasley and join the Hogwarts_Official roleplay! Also my other account @hfalcon244823 for a MLB roleplay!

This is also the last chapter. After this there's nothing else but the epilogue. That's it. This was started on May 21st and it is June 25th as I write this. I've posted at least one chapter a day and look where this is now! Almost 2K reads and 600 votes, thank you all so much.

I cannot express how sad and happy this is. I've loved writing this, even if sometimes I had to drag myself through it. It's sad that this is coming to and end but it's been (to varying degrees) successful and that's amazing.

Love you my readers! Enjoy this chapter. ♡🦉

Hermione's POV:

With slight horror, I use my wand to cast a destruction spell, flinching as the small object in my hand explodes almost immediately after the spell was cast.

Nobody can see it, not even Draco. Great Godric, didn't he chastise me for this? Secret keeping?

I take a sharp inhale and step out the door, calling on all of my Gryffindor confidence to make myself appear confident, and not the shaking horror I am inside.

"Graduation today!" Draco smiles, kissing me on the forehead.

I grimace. "Yeah, bittersweet day."

"Well do you and the girls need to get ready? I can leave the room," Draco offers, grabbing a garment bag from the closet.

What a sweet husband. Should I tell him? NO!

"YES!" I scream accidentally. Realizing what I had done, I clamp a hand over my mouth in shock as he looks over at me, confused and offended. "I mean...that would be great!"

"Oooh-kay." He slurs, calling out the door for the girls. "HERMIONE'S WAITING FOR YOU!"

I hear the rush of feet stomping down the hall and Draco is pulled away from the door, replaced by my five pregnant friends, all holding dresses.

"You're like my super beauty squad of superheroes or something," I snort.

"Because we are," They all chorus together, causing us all to go into a fit of giggles.

To be quite honest, getting ready was a blur of passing time that I could not track. It was full of over-obsessive makeup doing, hair styling and dress refittings.

Having a room full of pregnant women did not help either, everybody was in a bad mood but me.

Honestly even getting ready seemed to be somehow more torturous than before, and we didn't even have to make any decisions!

The Hogwarts staff decided that we would graduate to muggle way in an attempt to incorporate muggle traditions in a magical school. The girls all had to wear silk dresses of their main house colour, black robes, black heels and a graduation cap with a tassel their other house colour. That meant I was wearing a red dress with a golden tassel.

The guys just wore dress shirts of their main house colour with a cap with the other colour for their house with their graduation robes and dress shoes.

Everybody still seems cranky.




"SHUT UP!" I roar, placing my book down, tired of the constant screaming. Even though I wasn't actually trying to fall asleep, it felt like somebody was screaming in my ear, just as I had reached that sweet spot of unconsciousness. They also seemed louder than when Draco yelled in my ear to get up sometimes...

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