Samman :)

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Norman was just walking to get back to his booth. That's all he was doing when he heard some suspicious chatter going on in the music room.

It was around 10pm, so almost everyone had gone home. Almost everyone.

Sammy, the music director, and Susie Campbell, Alice Angels voice actor. They were both in the music department, talking loudly, but at times they would go very quiet.

Norman knew he probably should snoop in on their conversation, but he really couldn't help himself. What were they being so sus about?

Norman walked closer to the door way of the department and took a sneak peek inside.

Clearly he wasn't ready for what he saw. Sammy and Susie were standing toe and toe. So close, that it looked like they were going to kiss. Norman stood frozen for a second. His brain trying to process what was happening.

Sammy, and Susie, were chest to chest. Blushing.

It clicked and Norman bolted. He ran all the way to some random department, realising it was actually just the animation department. Thankfully, Henry and the others had clocked in for the night.

The projectionist tried to calm his breathing, but he couldn't. He thought that he and Sammy had something. All the little cheek kisses. All the late night work stays. All the 'Bro hugs' that lasted way to long to be just a bro hug. The little compliment and hand holding that they would try and hide but almost everyone noticed. Clearly Susie noticed and didn't like it. She wanted Sammy to herself.

Norman hadn't realised he was crying. He tried to wipe away the salty tears, but it was no use. He fell down the wall, and silently cried into his knees. He hated showing emotion like this.

Clearly Sammy didn't care. He just through away their.... Thing that they had, right out the window and into the dump truck. He just doesn't want to be here at the moment.

Sammy saw. He saw Norman in the door way. He saw the look on his face. The look of betrayal and heart ache. He saw him bolt out of the door way. So he did the first thing that came to mind.

The music director pushed past Susie and ran after Norman. He heard Susie yelling at him but he didn't give a shit. The only thing on his mind was to find his Norman. He knew how it looked. But it wasn't like that at all. Poor Norman must have thought that He was kissing her. Yuck..

"Norman! Wait!" Sammy finally caught up and saw that he was on the floor. He was crying into his knees. Shit.

"Hey Norms." Sammy's voice was soft. He knew he would have to explain everything.

Norman tried shuffling away from him, but it was no use. Sammy sat in front of him and sighed. This might take a bit.

"Norman it wasn't what it looked like. At all okay? She was trying to come onto me and I wasn't having it, saying I liked someone else, but she didn't believe me. So she started talking about some.... gross shit and came really close to me. We didn't kiss or anything. We were just standing really close. To fucking close may I add, I could taste her fucking perfume." Norman chuckled and lifted his head a little.

Sammy held a soft smile, laughing a little as well.

"So.. You don't like her? And didn't do anything?" Norman hated feeling this... Pathetic. But Sammy had seen this side of him before. The times he would get really frustrated and break down. Happened on multiple exactions.

"God no! Strictaly into dick..Yep that's me.." The both burst out laughing. Norman wiped his face and a set of knew tears came around.

But this time, tears of laughter. of joy.

They both quiet down and smiled after Sammy finished his coughing for from laughing. Sammy moved next to the older and grabbed his hand, intertwining it. He lifted their hands and kissed Norman's.

"The only person I like is You Norms. Always have and always will." Norman blushed and squeezed Sammy's hand.

"I like you too.." Both of them were blushing messes at this point. They stayed in silence, huddled close to each other. It wasn't awkward. They were just enjoying the moment. Everything else forgotten.. eventually, they fell asleep, cuddled close together.

It was around 11pm when Grant and Shawn walked past, ready to go home.

"What's the point in asking me? You are going to do it regardless."

"You have a point. But what type of green though? Like a lime green? Forest Green? Or something just in the middle?"

"I don't know and really don't care. Do whatever you want." Both the Toy maker and accountant walked by the two on the floor. They Both saw but didn't want to wake them. They were to fucking cute.

Now Shawn has something to tease Sammy about tomorrow. Get him back for all those times Sammy has embarrassed him in front of Grant.

Tomorrows' going to be great. For everyone.


Request by: TangledUpGaming hope you liked it..😙❤️
Sorry for the wait!

Ok, so i was thinking of doing like a face reveal or somthing. I was going to do it at 20k then i forgot.. Then i reached 30k and I was gonna do it then but the I just put it off... but would you guys want a face reveal anyway??

But! Thank you legends so much for 34k!! It means the absolute world to me!❤️😘

Btw, that pic up top, I took that on the bridge behind/ next to my house.

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