Chapter 5: After (3)

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Author's Note:



Lost & Found

Meredith Grey isn't the only one who lost her panties the night of the hospital prom. This is the story of when Derek Shepherd finds Addison Montgomery's panties in Meredith's prom dress.

Chapter 5: After (3)


"Has this happened before? Or after? Or before AND after? You and Addison, having sex- and together... I mean...?" Derek asks me.

"No, it hasn't. That time that Addison and I slept together after we slept together at prom was the only time the two of us ever slept together. I swear," I answer.

It's the truth. And you know he knows who you're talking about anyway.

Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery.

What a pretty name for a woman.

She's a pretty woman to match, also.

And she has an even prettier soul...

Addison is...

Derek's current(?) wife.

My current(?) mistress.

Mark Sloan's ex-mistress? Wait, no, because she's married so Mark would be her dirty mistress...

(I still kind of hate him for that even though I don't know him so all I know is he fucked Addison behind Derek's back and I hate him like I hate Derek because he's fucked Addison more times than I have. Oops. I didn't realize I'd just admitted that part to myself. Whatthefuck, Jesus, Meredith?!).

Now I'm Derek's ex-mistress and his wife's current mistress.

And so I'm his boyfriend now but I assume I'll be his ex-boyfriend soon.

And I assume that Addison will probably be Derek's ex-wife as soon as the papers come through.

It's awkward.

For all of you.

But mostly for Derek Shepherd.

Because Derek's your boyfriend and Addison's husband but probably soon to be ex-husband at the same time and all.

Derek will be losing his wife and his girlfriend (to each other? I still have hope about that. Even though I probably shouldn't still have so damn much of it for 'you and her').

Idly, I wonder if Mark Sloan's this messed-up, also. I've never met him but he used to be Derek's best friend, and then he fucked Addison (which I hate him for out of jealousy over her, of course, now).

And then he stayed with Addison in New York until he knocked Addie up and cheated on her and not necessarily in that order either.

Yeah, I guess Mark's pretty fucked up too.

Mark would probably like me also, I realize.

The thought gives me no comfort, though.

If Mark liked Addison while she was with Derek, he'd probably like me while I'm with Derek. And also Addison. Actually, he'd probably like that most of all.

Ugh. Men. Penises.

And the fact that the people having them tend to like lesbian ladies which makes no sense when you think of it because if the girls are going at it together they're probably not looking to ask a guy to join in but then again I'm just speculating.

I've never had a threesome. I wonder if Derek has. Or Mark has. Or Addison has.

Actually, I sort of wonder if they've all had a threesome together.

It would make sense, after all. They'd all been best friends, right?

But anyway, back to the stupid nonsensical instincts that make 'straight guys,' get off on non-straight-girls' private activities.

It's their stupid boy-penises that make men the worst.

If you said that aloud though people would probably lock you up for being such a hypocrite seeing as you've screwed hundreds of men in your days. Also hundreds of women. But they don't know to be intrigued about that part yet.

"Did you ask her or did she ask you?" Derek asks me.

"Huh?" I realize I have no idea what he just said to me.

"Did you ask Addison or-" I cut him off this time.

"No, she asked me," I sigh.

"Addison wasn't drunk or high either, I promise, and you already knew I was sober," I explain so he knows I'm not some intoxicated mistake or hers or mine or even both.

"Wait but SHE asked YOU to what, fuck her?" Derek asks me in alarm.

"Yeah? I just said that? Didn't I?" I rationalize.

"But she was married?" Derek wonders aloud.

"So are you?" I counter.

"But she was seeing me?" Derek wonders again.

"So were you?" I counter again.

"But she-" Derek starts again before he has to start again because he's stumbling over his own damn question.

None of these arguments are getting anywhere but they just keep coming back so I guess I just stand here and counter everything Derek has to say to me about Addison. Right?


Author's Note:

Thanks for all the feedback on this one!


Feel free to check out these while you wait for more of this story:

Falling Apart, Barely Breathing


Second Person (The Diary of Addison Montgomery)

See you soon in the comments,


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