Chapter 11: After (6)

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Author's Note:



Lost & Found

Meredith Grey isn't the only one who lost her panties the night of the hospital prom. This is the story of when Derek Shepherd finds Addison Montgomery's panties in Meredith's prom dress.

Chapter 11: After (6)


I try to participate in the conversation with Callie over chilaquiles but it's pretty hard for me to keep focused on her and not my fantasies about Addison.

"Grey?" Callie coaxes me.

"Huh?" I shrug apologetically at her.

"You've been all weird and distant lately," Callie says in a concerned tone.

"Oh," I say, because I didn't realize she'd noticed me zoning in and out since the prom.

"You've seriously been spinning out since your dog died. I'm really sorry I couldn't come up with a better solution for his osteosarcoma," Callie offers.

Oh. She thinks it's only about Doc. That's okay I guess...

"Yeah, I really miss her," I sigh.

"Wasn't Doc a male dog?" Callie looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, right. I really miss him. Doc. I mean. McDog..." I trail off and try to cover my tracks.

Damnit. I was thinking about Addison all over again. Ouch.

"Did you have another female dog you were thinking about?" Callie asks me.

"Umm," I shrug because I can't remember if I'd had a girl-dog when I was younger or if any of my relatives did, and all I can think of is how people called Dr. Montgomery(-Shepherd?) a 'bitch,' and that's a female dog and now all I can think about is Addison.

"Do you want to get another dog?" Callie asks me.

"No. It wouldn't be the same," I say simply. I don't explain it wouldn't be the same without it being shared between Derek and Addison and I. Mostly Addison and I. I mean...

"Why do you seem all different after prom?" Callie asks me.

"WHAT?!" I freak out a bit.

"You can talk to me, you know. I did catch you and pretend your panties were mine when Addison tacked them to the bulletin board, remember?" Callie looks at me narrowly again.

My breath catches when she says Addison's name and Callie must sense this or something.

"Oh," I say because I don't know what else to say.

"Is Addison bothering you?" Callie asks in a concerned tone.

"Oh, no she's not bothering me, I'm just," I flail because I don't want Callie to think she's done anything wrong because she hasn't, she had every right to turn me down. I'm just taking it really hard. Especially after we had a really great night of sex together after prom...

"You know you seem to stiffen whenever her name comes up. And you haven't been on her service all week. And Addison stiffens when I mention her to you, also," says Callie.

"Has she spoken about me?" I squeak because I can't help myself.

"I shouldn't say, I promised Addison I wouldn't, I don't think it would be right," says Callie.

So she has spoken about me to Callie...

"Right," I say, because I wouldn't want her to tell Addison what I'm saying about her, either.

"I just feel really bad after what I did at the prom," I say honestly, even though Callie doesn't know the whole story. And she probably never will.

"Umm, yeah I mean I covered for you, but doing it with McDreamy in the exam room it kinda hurt her," says Callie gently.

"Don't bother calling him McDreamy,"I snort because you don't want to contemplate the rest because the thought of your actions negatively impacting Addison still just hurts too damn much.

"Ok. Well, still-" Callie starts before I cut her off.

"I don't want to talk about Derek," I say because I really don't wanna.

"Okay," says Callie.

"Okay," I say back.

"Do you want to talk about Addison?" Callie asks me.

I do, but I don't want to admit I do. I really do though...

"Yes," I say before I can stop myself.

I can feel myself heating up almost as much as I did leading up to us making love after the prom in anticipation of simply talking about her.

"Okay," says Callie.

"Addison is just, she's just a person who deserves someone who won't hurt her. Derek clearly wasn't that person. Finn Dandridge could probably be that person but she doesn't want Finn and Finn doesn't want her and I don't want Finn either and he's revamped his plans to not include me anyway," I ramble on.

"Addison deserves a lot of things," Callie empathizes passively as a friend but I still flare with jealousy.

"Hey, why, are you going to hit on Addison!?" I shriek.

"Umm, no. I'm with George. And we're finally pretty good friends again. And why do you think I'm into women?" Callie asks me all at once.

"Right. George. God, I'm so glad he's moved on from loving me because I could never love him back. And I don't know, I can just tell that's all. It's not a big deal either way. I'm not hitting on you by the way, to be completely clear. Not that you're not dirty-hot and all. It's just that... You're not my type... Sorry..." I taper off awkwardly.

"Wait, you have a type in women!? You like women also?! Since when, Grey!?" Says Callie.

"Oh. Probably always. I guess," I admit openly.

Callie dropped chilaquiles on the floor.

I helped her pick them up.

"Wait, does this have something to do with Addison?" Callie asks me.

I try not to blush too hard at Callie's question.

****** END OF CHAPTER 11

Author's Note:

Any guesses as to why Addison rejected Meredith after sleeping with her after the prom even though she really likes her?


Feel free to check out these while you wait for more of this story:

Falling Apart, Barely Breathing


Second Person (The Diary of Addison Montgomery)

See you soon in the comments,


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