Chapter 9: After (5)

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Lost & Found

Meredith Grey isn't the only one who lost her panties the night of the hospital prom. This is the story of when Derek Shepherd finds Addison Montgomery's panties in Meredith's prom dress.

Chapter 9: After (5)


It's really fucking cold outside.

I realize this as I send Derek away.

He was at my house where he found my dress with her panties in them.

His wife's panties in them. Soon to be ex-wife. Or ex-wife. Who the fuck knows. They're over. We're over. Derek's just got double-dumped.

Well, it serves him right for double-dipping between us.

And by 'us,' I mean Addison and I.

And before someone goes and calls me a hypocrite here because I also very recently double-dipped between Derek and Addison-

Well, actually I'm just a hypocrite- end of the story.

And I'm double-dumped also because I just left Derek and I didn't try to leave her, but Addison didn't want me as her girlfriend after what happened at the hospital prom, so now I'm just double-lonely here and I can't call Finn either because he already knows.

I sit in my empty-of-both-and-either-Doctor-Shepherd's-house wishing something would happen and then I wish I hadn't wished that something would happen because something happened and it was really shit.

Denny Duquette died, apparently, and I was too busy screwing the She-Shepherd to have noticed it and I remember it again now because Izzie's been baking muffins non-stop

So my house isn't empty of just anyone.

Actually, it's full of practically everyone.

The only people who are NOT here are Derek Shepherd (because he just left), Preston Burke (he got shot so he lives at Seattle Grace as a patient, now), Richard Webber (because he doesn't come over often anymore and hasn't since I was a child), Miranda Bailey (because she hasn't been here since the party where she caught Derek and I having sex in a car and blocking her into my driveway)...

And also Addison.

Whose absence I feel deep in my bones.

I really fucking miss her.

Even more than our super-dead-mutual-dog-Doc.

Out of everyone who's not here, I miss her the most, and she's never set foot in this house before anyway.

I realize this and it's strange to me because every other surgeon I know from Seattle Grace has been to this house except her.

'I should have her over for dinner,' I think to myself.

Then I shake my head at the thought because she turned me down so I can't invite her over for dinner.

Not that I'd want to host a dinner party anyway.

That would be probably a really bad idea, somehow. I don't know why but it would be...

Instead of dwelling on and on I head into the kitchen downstairs and try to entertain the company.

Before I do though, I go and re-hide Addison's panties in my dress.

I don't know where to put them otherwise. I've washed them already of course. I'm not weird or gross like that.

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