Chapter 7: After (4)

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Lost & Found

Meredith Grey isn't the only one who lost her panties the night of the hospital prom. This is the story of when Derek Shepherd finds Addison Montgomery's panties in Meredith's prom dress.

Chapter 7: After (4)


The questions continue for a little while.

I seriously want him to get out of here because I'm kinda done with this boyfriend thing now that Derek's found Addison's panties inside my dress.

We both know it's over, it's so very over.

But Derek seems intent on keeping his questions no matter the over-ness of the situation and I keep defending Addison at every opportunity.

Even if she turned me down after we had sex at the prom, it doesn't mean that I can't still defend her because I-

I want to.

Plain and simple as that.

Because it's not like there's anyone else around here to fight for her.

Not even Mark, who probably still loves her, or some shit like that.

And speaking of the who-the-whatever, Derek's bringing up his ex(?)-best friend now.

"But Addison, she fucked Mark?" Derek wonders aloud.

"So did you?" I counter with the same answer I said to all of the other stupid statements he's said so far and Derk responds accordingly before I fully process what I just said...

(And ergo implied about Derek, and about Mark, and about MarkAndDerek).


"Huh?" I ask because I'm not sure what just happened. Seriously? What just happened? Huh?

"Or did you already know Mark and he told you I cheated on Addison with him before she did with him and then after I cheated on her with him again?" Derek says while waving his arms in the air.

"Uh, I've never spoken to Mark Sloan in my life," I say because it's the truth.

"Then who the hell told you I fucked Mark?" Says Derek.

"Umm. You did, actually. As in, like, just now," I say awkwardly.

"Wait, so does Addison know that? Did she-" Derek wonders again.

"No. She never knew that. At all, ever," I answer.

"Oh shit," says Derek.

"Umm, I should probably go, now," I say awkwardly.

"Just don't- just. Just don't tell her that, about Mark and I. It should be me. Or Mark. Or both of us. Together. Or not together. Or- Addison shouldn't have to find out through you..." Derek says shyly.

"I won't tell her if you promise that you will, but to be perfectly clear, Derek, you and I, we're completely over, if that wasn't actually obvious," I promise Derek.

So Derek is my ex-boyfriend now, and Derek is still Addison's wife but they're fixing that part, and Derek is also Mark's ex-who-knows-what, but maybe Derek wants to get back with his man-crush after he's getting dumped by his girlfriend and wife on the same day via Addison's underwear?

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