Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs

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Tabitha woke up one morning and was feeling a bit under the weather. As she made her way down to the kitchen to make herself some remedy tea, she heard something strange. A burst of noise roared through the house even louder than before. She could hear the noise all the way from her kitchen. When Tabitha went to investigate she found the Bennetts were fighting again; Charity, Miguel, and Pilar were also there. Sam noticed that Tabitha had come into the room. He quickly turned to her and said "Oh Tabitha! We're sorry for barging in here. Kay ran over here in the middle of a fight." He pulled her into a hug. She flinched causing Sam to pull back and ask, "Tabitha, are you alright?" She nodded and told him that she was just a bit tired and left to go back to the kitchen for her tea.

Later she walked back into the living room and stood behind all the furniture to stay out of the way. She felt a slight cramp in her stomach and leaned forward unwillingly letting out a quiet moan. Pilar noticed that Tabitha wasn't telling the truth about being fine and moved to stand beside her. "Tabitha? Are you sure you're doing alright?" She asked. Tabitha smiled and nodded, but Pilar was not convinced. "Why don't you go upstairs and lay down to rest? I'll try and get them to head back home." She asked her, but Tabitha told her "I'm feeling just fine. It's just a little cold." She suddenly squeezed her midsection. Pilar quickly pulled her out of the room telling her "You are not fine. I think you would feel better if you got some rest. I'll get you a cup of tea." Tabitha reluctantly agreed and made her way upstairs. As soon as she was close enough to her bed she collapsed onto it; groaning at the sudden pain. She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Twenty minutes had passed when Tabitha woke feeling worse than she did earlier. She tried to stand up, but any movement made the room spin. When she finally walked out of her room she had to stop, her head felt like it was splitting in two. She tried to go downstairs to suggest everyone leave when suddenly she fainted. What she didn't realize was that she was right at the top of the stairs. Her body flew down the stairs and she landed at the landing.

Everyone ran into the entrance. They found Tabitha laying frighteningly still. Sam ran to her right away "Tabitha! Tabitha! Please wake up!" He pressured her, tapping her cheeks. Pilar ran in from the kitchen, and straight to the crowd. "Sam, what happened?" She gasped when she saw blood starting to pool around Tabitha. "She's bleeding!" She cried out. Sam noticed and moved Tabitha's jacket to see a piece of deep slice across her side. He quickly grabbed a piece of cloth and pressed it against her side. "Kay, will you grab a pillow?" Sam asked his daughter. Kay hastily ran into the living room. "Is she going to be alright?" Jessica asked her dad. He just looked up with a saddening face. "I don't know." He lifted Tabitha up slightly when Kay came running into the room and placed the pillow right under Tabitha's head. He gently lowered Tabitha back down against the pillow.

Pilar got up and ran to the living room, to grab the house phone. She called 911 and told an ambulance to get to the Lenox house right away, and told them that Tabitha had fallen down the stairs. "Okay mam, we'll be there as quickly as possible!" She sighed and hung up. She ran back to Tabitha and noticed there was a cut on her head peeking out from her hairline. "Sam, did you notice the cut on her head?" He slowly moved a strand of hair from her face and saw what looked to be a pretty deep cut. He asked "Jessica, can you hand me something to put pressure on her head?" Jessica nodded and ran to the kitchen. When she came back, she handed Sam a cloth that she found. "Pilar would you please keep pressure on the wound?" She accepted quickly, and they all sat their tending to Tabitha, and prayed that she would be okay.

Kay finally spoke up. "Dad, I'm so sorry! This was all my fault. I should never have run away and into her house without permission." Jessica chimed in "It's my fault. We didn't even ask Tabitha if it was okay that we were there." They both hugged each other. Pillar spoke almost in tears, "no, it's my fault. I saw she wasn't feeling good, but instead of telling everyone that we should leave, I had her go up to bed and was making her tea. I should have told her that we were leaving so that she could rest by herself. " Sam rubbed her back with his free hand and said "No, it's not any of your faults. I was the first to notice that she wasn't feeling good. I should have spoken up and had us leave. I could have stayed and called Eve to come check to make sure she was fine, but instead, I just pushed it off and continued fighting with my family." Pilar put a hand over his.

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