Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm

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A lightning storm moves quickly into the town of Harmony. The Bennets, Cranes, and Lopez-Fitzgeralds are out at the lighthouse for a special party. They were all dancing and having fun. Tabitha stood in the corner, away from everyone. She hears a sudden roar of thunder and knows that a storm is upon them. Kay noticed that she is walking towards the ledge of the cliff, and goes to make sure she is okay. "Tabitha, are you doing alright?" Kay asked. Tabitha told her about the storm that was coming and that she knew it would be a bad one. Kay told her not to worry about it and walked back to the dance floor. It started to sprinkle which caused Julian to have the maids put a white tent up over the dance floor.

Tabitha was just starting to walk back to the tent when a bolt of lightning struck just 1 mile away. She got another drink and returned to her corner. Watching the bolts of lightning crash to the ground, all around the tent. Everyone wasn't even phased by the storm until it struck right next to the tent. Tabitha was on the side that it struck, but it was outside. Julian noticed Tabitha was watching something when he saw the storm getting worse. Everyone knew Tabitha was a witch, so when the storm started to get worse she was the one person who felt responsible to protect everyone. The next bolt of lightning struck the opposite side of the tent, and that's when Tabitha told everyone to start running to the lighthouse for cover.

Everyone took off running to the lighthouse as quickly as a lion. Tabitha trailed behind so that she could do a spell to protect the lighthouse, but she had to wait for everyone to get into the lighthouse. Sheridan, Kay, and Ethan fell right before the building, which caused Tabitha to use a spell to throw them lightly through the building doors. Once everyone was in the building, Tabitha casted a spell, and out of her hands grew a protective barrier. It was almost all around the building when a bolt of lightning struck Tabitha in the back. She flew through the sky and went right over the ledge. Everyone waited for the storm to pass, before running to the cliff. They all tried to look down to try and find Tabitha, but to their avail nothing was visible. Sam shined his flashlight down, and they found that Tabitha was laying at the bottom of this cliff.

Everyone took off running to her. Julian and Sam ran straight to Tabitha. She was laying on her side, which was covered in burns. She tried to sit up, but couldn't feel anything from the waist down. "Tabitha don't move!" Julian and Sam told her. "...Has the storm passed?..." Julian nodded. She continued to pull herself up, against everyone's wishes. She fell back onto the ground in pain "Oww...I can't feel anything...below my waist?..." Sam crawled down and told Tabitha "I am going to try something, and I want you to tell me if you can feel anything. Even the slightest feel. Ok?" She nodded, but before he started he told everyone to go back up to the tent and call 911. Once everyone was gone he gave Tabitha the instruction to not look at him.

When she wasn't looking he rubbed the bottom of her foot, but she didn't feel it. He tried turning her ankle, and nothing. He gave Tabitha a warning for possible pain and punched her leg. Tabitha didn't even flinch. He had one last thing to try, which was to pick up her legs. He did so, and nothing happened. "Sam, are you doing something yet?" She asked. Sam gave her a saddened look and turned his head slightly to see Tabitha's leg being held up by him. Julian looked and let out a gasp, which gave Tabitha the urge to turn her head. Once she saw her leg her face went pale. "Sam...oh my God...I didn't even feel that...How burnt am I?...Is everyone safe?..." She asked question after question. Julian and Sam both took turns answering questions.

Sam answered first "Thanks to you, everyone was safe. If you weren't there, we would have had more casualties. We all thank you!" She smiled and tried to pull herself backward so she could lean against something. Julian answered her other question "You are burnt pretty bad. Not all over, but about 53%." Someone yelled through the walkie talkie and said "Ambulance is here, but they can't get down to you" Tabitha was in so much pain and shock that when she heard something else going wrong, her body couldn't take it and she passed out. "Tabitha, Tabitha, We need to get her up there!" Sam and Julian lifted Tabitha into their arms and took off running for the hill.

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