XL- blood

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Lloyd was baffled as to how Vlod could have gotten caught, getting into the protective house was stupid easy. He had already located Gabriel's room and knew (Y/n) would be in there.

He delicately pushed the handle down and walked in, the room was shrouded in darkness but Lloyd could still make out two undeniable figures.

The position Gabriel and (Y/n) wasn't really appreciated by Lloyd as his obsession's mentor held her close even in unconsciousness.

Despite Lloyd's jealousy he couldn't deny that this positioning gave him easy access to the vein on the inside of (Y/n)'s arm.

Lloyd knelt down beside the bed that was far too small for two people and looked more closely at (Y/n). He smiled softly and gently ran a finger over the portion of her arm that he intended to take blood from.

Her eyebrows twitched slightly at the first incision of the needle but that seemed to be the beginning and end of her stirring.

He took a substantial amount, obviously not enough to be detrimental to (Y/n) as it was only to fill the small vial. But Lloyd was certainly generous with the volume of blood. He couldn't help it, it was so purely and truly... (Y/n)! In a way he envied the blood that travelled through her veins as it lived within her.

Lloyd imagined covering himself in her blood just to be surrounded by her, if only there was a way to do that without causing her irreversible damage... But a guy could dream.

Lloyd returned safely to his own room without any run-ins with whoever had killed Vlod for much the same crime. He flicked the light on, it was the dreadfully early hours of Monday morning but he had work to do. Improving on his shrine and showing the dedication he had to (Y/n) wasn't something that could simply wait in favor of sleep.

He pushed the blood in the needle into the testing bag and shook it up to combine the indicator and blood together. Lloyd left the tiniest amount of (Y/n)'s deep red blood within the tube though, he had enough for the vial but he wasn't quite sure what urged him to leave that bit behind.

He carefully set the testing bag aside and poised the needle above the tip of his index finger. The obsessive student pushed the bung of the tube down at a slow pace to allow (Y/n)'s blood to drip from the needle in small drops.

A crimson droplet of blood was resting on the edge of his finger by the time the bung had been pushed in all the way. Lloyd hesitantantly put his finger between his lips with an innocent expression.

The ecstacy that filled him with incomparable. Consuming (Y/n)'s blood, being so close to her felt like every sore and pain that had plagued his every moment without her was eased. His heart slowed down for the first time in what felt like forever and he was strangely calm.

A soft sigh left him and he sank down in his seat, Lloyd's turquoise eyes fluttered shut and he was at peace.

He almost forgot about the developing test sitting on his desk but once that thought entered his mind he shot up as he knew that it must be complete by then.

It almost escaped his vision at first, he did a double take as the small clear bag was not the sky blue he'd been awaiting but instead it was as white as a dove's feather.

"This can't be right..." Lloyd mumbled, sure he was going insane... Or more insane than he already was.

A few moments was all it took for his confusion to turn to utter delight. A grin overtook his face and he jumped to his feet, the only thing that was stopping a cheerful yelp from leaving his throat was the ungodly time.

She was uninfected!

That explained it all! She didn't reject him because she didn't like him, it was simply becuase she didn't have a strain to let her know the right thing to do.

Those uninfected people were always so clueless when it came to love, all they needed was a good infected partner to show them what real love was and then (Y/n) could realise she loved Lloyd all along.

Oh, her being this way made it all so perfect! Having (Y/n) as his cute uninfected girlfriend sounded utterly perfect to Lloyd.

His eyes darted over to the blue shrine, he'd have to change all of that now. That was okay, it would all be white to show the purity in her.

All of her resistance made so much more sense now, she was just in need of a little guidance. Lloyd was more than happy to provide this.

The thought of turning her in of course didn't even cross his mind, Lloyd was even too distracted to realise that knowing this was a crucial piece of blackmail that he could use to get to her. He was far too enamoured and overwhelmed to even consider this.

(Y/n) was uninfected.

He couldn't believe it.

(Y/n) grimaced down at her arm.

Her finger circled the small prick that ached when she woke up. She was smart enough not to say anything to Gabriel but was now lamenting over what the consequences of this were.

Someone had either injected her with something or had taken her blood and considering she felt fine in all other respects and was where she fell asleep, (Y/n) could safely eliminate the former.

That meant that someone, and by someone she meant probably Lloyd or Harvey because who else would it be, had her blood. And that someone most probably knew of her status.

She glanced over to the door, Gabriel was in the bathroom and hopefully wouldn't walk in anytime soon as she went to text a certain someone to meet her.

As bad as she felt going to Wes with all of her problems he was the closest person to her who she trusted with her status and he was the only person she could ever think to go to.

Maybe she put too much trust in him.

Either way someone else knew she was uninfected and with each person that found out she got one step closer to total exposure which could only end in so many ways.

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