~♪A Dream so Fresh and Real♪~

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These past few days jungkook's life has become like a rollercoaster. After that day when he met that boy Taehyung for the 2nd time at Seokjin's engagement party his life turns upside down.

It's like he was running away form something that attracting him like magnet in every passing second. Many changes have taken place in his daily life.

And all those changes are very noticeable. His grandma can guess it but his mom is totally oblivious. She tried to ask him but he ignored it, said he is completely okay.

Jungkook always feel the need and attraction to go to his penthouse. 

And whenever seokjin talks about tae in the breakfast or dinner table, he found himself listening it so attentivly.

He actually wanna know about him more...but just a couple of week ago he wasn’t like that. And that's what he don't understand why he's feeling that way. Or may be he is just underestimating his feelings?

He thought all these weird feelings, and the attraction he's feeling towards taehyung will go away if he ignored them cause there isn’t anything special about that boy. He is just like the others, may be a gold digger also?. Who knows? Right?

Jungkook won't trust anyone easily cause he strongly believes that True Love doesn't exists.

Jungkook currently sitting on his chair in his office. It’s time to go home but he suddenly don't want to. His feelings are so restless today, too messed up. He woke up at four in the morning from his 3 hours sleep.

He woke up dreaming. Yepp he dreamt about Taehyung... not a wet dream but enough to make him a sweating mess.

"He kissed that boy made him breathless and it felt so great when he kissed him in his dream....but the terrifying thing was he couldn’t forgot the feelings of the dream no matter how much he tried to destruct himself.

It felt so real. Everything is still fresh in his memory. Everytime he closes his eyes he can see every details so clearly.

Whenever he felt the warmth of taehyung's soft lips, he touched his own lips unknowingly just like he's doing it right now. There's no denying that he loved it.

Someone knocked on the door but he didn't notice. "Excuse me Mr.Jeon x2"

It was his secretary. it’s also her time to leave but she couldn’t cause her boss is still in the office.

From the last few days she also noticed his weird behaviour, inattentiveness and he even spaced out at time to time.

She knocked the door again. This time a bit loudly.

"WHAAT!!"... Jungkook snapped out from his thoughts he asked confused.

"Sorry to disturb sir but it’s time to leave " his secretary reminded him.

"Oh y-yeah yess, you can go" jungkook replied.

"Okay sir...but are you okay? you..looks terrific. You even got dark circles under your eyes" she asked concerned. Her boss was always so careful about his health and looks but never like this mess before.

"Yes i'm fine don't worry and thanks for the concern nuna" jungkook replied to her not realising he called her nuna(elder sister).

She was too shocked to ask. It’s not the first time but after becoming the CEO jungkook never called her like that informally, specially at the workplace.
Cause he became more rude,cold and ruthless type day by day.

"Whatever is going on on jungkook's head and whatever changes are happens it’s for good she thinks. She smiled a little and bowed before she left.

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