~♪ You're being watched ♪~

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Four days have already passed but jungkook hasn’t found a way to apologize taehyung yet.

It's not like he didn't want to but he didn’t get a chance to do that. He was super busy.

He was on the run, he couldn’t even breathe properly. This new project just killing him.

He has less pressure now so he decided to take a day off. He needs sleep or his brain will shutdown anytime.

Jungkook woke up at middle of the day. He took shower and went downstairs to eat something, he was hungry.

He entered in the kitchen and sat one of a chair in front of the kitchen counter. A maid served him food and informed him that his mom was expecting him in the living room. So after finishing his food he went to the living room.

His mom, grandma and aunty stopped discussing their serious topic when they saw him entering in the room.

"Oh Jungkook-ah you're here. We all are waiting for you, anyways, go get ready quickly, we have to go to the mall, jin and others are already there. We will join them" his mom said to him.

Jungkook protested but there is no use of that. Guess his whole day sleeping plan just got cancelled. Moreover he promised Jin to help him with the wedding shopping.

Few minutes later he came downstairs and out of the mansion. He saw the three lady already waiting for him standing near the car. That means he has to be their driver for today.

They all get in and Jungkook starts driving.

"... and OH... kookie we have to pick up Taehyungie from his niversity on our way, so let's go there firs- " jungkook's mom couldn’t finished her sentence cause there was a sudden break on the car. If they weren’t wearing seat belts, they could have flew to the front

Cause as soon as jungkook heard taehyung' name he stopped the car in the middle of the road abruptly. Luckily there wasn’t any cars behind them

"WHAAAT?!!.....OWW...what was that for?!" jungkook asked while rubbing the back of his head and turned to his grandma who was sitting on the passenger seat. His grandma hit him there 😅

"Idiot, why you did that, it could be an accident!!....start driving now carefully and stop asking questions " his grandma said.

She facepalmed at her grandsons stupidity. The three women looked at each other for a brief moment before bursting into a fit of laughter.

2 days ago jungkook's grandma tell everything to her daughters in law  what she was thinking from these past few days and the way jungkook's behaviour changed recently, his reactions whenever they mentioned Taehyung. And the recent incident she assumed and expecting to be true.

Hearing everything jungkook's mom was so happy cause she saw how depressed her son was. Now she wanted to be sure by herself too that if her mother in law's predictions were correct or not. And if it’s really Taehyung than it would be great. She already like that sweet, cute and adorable boy.

So they decide to observe more. They wanted more surety, they wanted to see everything by their own eyes 'LIVE' that,how jungkook behaves when taehyung is in front or around him.

And boyy!! the first reaction they just got only for saying that boy's name was truly priceless. It was beyond their imagination and now they are more confident about their thinking.

Jungkook didn’t understand why they were like this but he don't have time to ask cause there is a storm going on in his head. It was totally unexpected and he wasn’t even prepared to face the boy yet.

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