Sick and Toyed

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Peso's luck seemed to be changing

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Peso's luck seemed to be changing.

He was happy now. He was safe. He had a family that loved him.

But that didn't erase the past.

Barnacles knew adopting a child with such a history would prove challenging. But, he was ready for it. He had made promises to Peso that he was not about to break.

Even when he knew something could do wrong at anytime.

Especially when peso couldn't get over his past, no matter how hard he tried.

The past catches up to you.

The Octonauts were sitting in the den one night. They'd eaten dinner early so they could watch all four Toy Story movies in a row.

"I hope there's a Toy Story 5." Tweak muttered as the fourth movie ended. "Somehow, this seems like the wrong way to end things."

"Yeah. Woody' basically a different person." Kwazii agreed. Peso giggled, sitting in the captain's lap, both flippers wrapped around a Buzz Lightyear toy that had belonged to his older brother when he was younger.

Barnacles just smiled lightly. "I admit, it IS a little sad to see Woody leave his friends." He glanced at the clock. "Past your bedtime, Peso." He looked at the tiny bundle of fluff in his arms, and frowned. Peso didn't look to well. He was slumping over, eyes closed. Barnacles felt worry swell in his gut, but he pushed it down. Surely, Peso was just tired. No need to be overprotective.

Peso stayed that way through his bath. He didn't move the slightest when Barnacles dressed him for bed. Barnacles, somehow, thought it best to skip tonight's bedtime story, and gave him a kiss, leaving him to sleep.

Worry kept him up all night.

It was a good thing, too.

At around 1:45 AM, he was awake. He was in tune, by now, to happenings at night, especially when they came from the baby monitor. He grabbed his robe, and dashed to the nursery. Peso was awake in his crib, moaning and crying. His eyes were squeezed shut, but no tears were visible. Barnacles swept Peso into his arms. Now he KNEW something was wrong.

"Hurt! Hurt!" Peso sniffled, holding his head and squirming. Barnacles heard an unpleasant growl coming from his stomach, and placed his paw against Peso's forehead. He yanked it back instantly. "Peso, you're burning up!"

Peso rolled over, nestling into his chest, and whimpered. Barnacles whispered gentle, comforting words, whilst searching for Peso's medical bag. While he groped through the dark, Kwazii came into the room, rubbing his eye. The Professor was behind him, seemingly at full alert. "Whazsup?" The cat mumbled, barely awake.

"Peso's got a fever." Barnacles replied, placing the thermometer against Peso's head, before pulling it back to read it. "About...110."

Kwazii was awake now. "Yeow! That's awfully high." Barnacles sat in the rocking chair, cuddling Peso. The professor turned on the lamp, and went searching through the bookshelf for Peso's medical books. Dashi, Shellington, and Tweak, who had been trying to get the Vegimals to stay in their room, wandered in.

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