Teddy Bear

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Peso had loved Snow Bear.

He had loved him more than life itself.

It was Snow Bear's love that helped Peso find a new best friend in each of his toys. But on was special.

Peso carried the soft teddy around everywhere. it had been a Christmas present, wrapped up with a bow.

The teddy was soft, just at i should be. Peso had named it Teddy. Just Teddy.

The Octonauts love to see them together.

The first time they realized how much Teddy meant to Peso was at night. The oct Alert went off.

"Just a storm Cap." Tweak red the diagnostics. "Nothing the octopod can't handle."


The voice was soft. So incredibly soft and young. They knew who it was.

They turned, and none of them could help d'awwing. Peso stood by the doorway, snug in his footie pajamas, rubbing his eye sleepily. He clutched Teddy tightly in one flipper.

Barnacles chuckled, and knelt down in front of Peso. "Nothing's wrong Peso. You and Teddy go back to sleep." H nudged Peso gently, and watched him wander away.

Sure enough, when he went to check on him, Peso had waddled back to bed. He was nestled under the covers, holding Teddy tight in his flippers, his little face snuggling into Teddy's soft fur. Barnacles chuckled at that.

Peso and Teddy were always together. When Peso played, there was Teddy. When Peso napped, there was Teddy. When Peso hung out with them in the Game Pod, there was Teddy.

"What is it with him and that Teddy bear?" Kwazii asked one day in the den. Peso was in his playpen, cuddling his teddy bears.

Barnacles laughed. "Babies like Teddies. Peso love them."

"I mean, why?"

"Because a teddy is a friend for life. He'll never hurt Peso."

That night Peso had a nightmare. It was really just the usual nightmare, but that didn't make it any less horrible.

He was awake in minutes, clutching Teddy as tight as he could. The mobile sang to him, casting a comforting glow around the room.

Peso looked down at Teddy. Teddy looked back up at him, as if to say, 'don't be afraid. I'm here for you.'

Peso snuggled in with Teddy, and closed his eyes, enjoying Teddy's soft fur on his face, the soft, familiar scents of bedtime, baby powder, and teddies flowing up his nose. Teddy felt especially nice when he had one paw draped over Peso like a big hug.

Peso was livid.

"Where is it?!" He waddled around, diaper crinkling adorably, as he searched. "Where is he?!" Barnacles watched as Peso rooted through couch cushions, checked under tables and in cupboards. Peso hunted through his closet and his playpen, even though he was certain he'd gone to sleep with it last night.

What if Teddy was lost? What if peso could never find him.

Peso plopped down on his padded rear end, and began to cry.

Barnacles enveloped him in a hug. "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll find him."

They searched everywhere, looking n drawers and checking every room on the Octopod. Peso was hysterical.

Kwazii found them sitting in the rocking chair in the den. Peso was clutching the captain's blue shirt tightly, sniffling. Barnacles rocked him gently, trying to comfort him.

"What's the matter, mateys?"

"Peso's lost Teddy." Barnacles held Peso close. "It's okay, sweet-pea."

Dashi wandered in, and gave him a kiss. But peso still felt terrible.

That night, Peso didn't want to go to bed. He wanted Teddy. Barnacles tried to convince Peso that things would be alright, but it wasn't any use.

As the bear tucked him in, Peso heard the door opening. Inkling placed a basket of clean laundry by Peso crib.

And sitting on top of it was Teddy!!!

Peso was delighted. he held Teddy close, and said "I love you," Over and over to him. Barnacles chuckled. "Next time, professor, warn us before you take Teddy in."

Before Peso went to bed, he asked the captain a question.

"Is it really okay that I still like stuffed animals?"

Barnacles gave him a kiss. "Of course it is, Peso. There's nothing wrong with it."

"But don't you think I'm too old?"

"No. Stuffed animals are harmless. Therefore, they're for everyone. Get some sleep. Sweet Dreams."

Peso held tightly to Teddy. Teddy felt warm and soft and smelled like lavender.

"I love you Teddy." Peso put Teddy to his cheek, draped one of Teddy's paws around him, and closed his eyes.

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