~<[Chapter 14]>~

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-(3rd person POV)-

After Midoriya's hour long nap he wakes up on Bakugo's chest. While asleep Midoriya had shifted onto the other males chest and snuggled close. The blond had no problem with this and simply snuggled back. As Midoriya slowly opened his eyes he saw the position he was in and rolled off onto the floor.

"Whoa Izuku are you alright?!"

"Yeah! I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you!"

"No no it was nice..."

A bright pink blush spread across both of their faces. They sat their just staring into each others eyes. After a minute they both shook their heads and stood up. They went to the living room to see the group playing on the Noontendo. The group was yelling at each other, so the two look at the screen to see them playing Plummer kart.(I'm very
Proud of the name I came up with.)

The two sit down and watch the race unfold. Mina come in 7th, Sero comes in 2nd, Kirishima comes in 1st... and Kaminari comes in 12th...

"You extras suck at this game."

"Like you could do better Bakubro."

"Yeah, yeah I could do better. I CAN BEAT ALL YOU EXTRAS!"

"Mmm Bakugo I pretty sure Izu could beat you. All through high school he played video games."

"Really? I guess you are a nerd. IZUKU I CHALLENGE YOU TO PLUMMER KART!"

"Okay Kacchan."

They all set up for a new round. The players are Sero, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Midoriya. The game comes to an end and Midoriya got first every race with no hesitation. It almost seemed easy to him.


"I don't wanna play anymore you guys keep yelling."

"Oh sorry..."

"No no it's fine! Just a little anxious. I'm gonna go in the lounge."

Midoriya was getting a lot better at suppressing his anxiety, but after awhile he needs a break to calm down. All the yelling was getting to be a bit much and he could feel an attack coming so he walked out.

Mina also got up from the couch and followed Izuku to the lounge. She knew how to deal with him while he was like this. Right now he is extremely touch sensitive so anything could be a trigger.

"Izuku can I hug you?"


Mina allowed Midoriya to take his time and slowly hugged the boy making sure he wasn't going to panic.

"You okay?"

"Yeah the yelling was starting to get to me..."

"I'm so proud of you! A few days ago the yelling would have triggered you on an instant. See you are getting better. Your doing great."

"T-thank you."

After a few minutes the boy looked up to Mina and smiled.

"I'm okay now!"

Mina was almost brought to tears by the small action. The last time she saw Midoriya smile so genuinely was before his mom passed. He is finally moving past the bad events in his life.

The two walk back into the Living room to see Bakugo and Kirishima cooking dinner, and then there was Sero chasing Kaminari with a scissor. Mina walked in between the two and grabbed Sero's wrist flipping him down and pulling his arms behind his back.


This is the safe word for when Mina has to pin one of the boys down. Yes the group fought so much that they developed a safe word.

"Okay explain why you were running with scissors."

"Well Kaminari said that I couldn't style hair for the life of me... so I was going to do his hair."

"Kaminari is right Soy sauce face."


The group turns when they hear a giggle from inside the room. Looking where the giggle came from they saw Izuku. They all could help but smile at the light hearted laugh.

"What's so funny?!"

Sero shouts and this causes the rest of the group to join in the laughter. Moments like this are what remind Midoriya that he has a place and is still loved. In this moment he can feel free and safe.

After the group laughs had calmed down Bakugo and Kirishima finish plating the food. They ate telling funny stories about their lives.

"Okay so listen. This was not my fault in anyway. Me and Izuku were walking to our first class of the day and I may have ,on purpose, locked him in my locker. But at the time he didn't know he was claustrophobic sooooo he didn't say anything until he passed out. When I heard him go quiet I opened it and he fell out..."


"It was hilarious because the teacher gave us off the rest of the day!"

The group all laughed as Midoriya pouted.

"Well when me Bakubro and Kami went on a road trip to the beach we may have accidentally left Kami there when we went home..."

"Shitty hair that was no mistake because not even ten minutes later you noticed and kept driving."


The night continued like this until everyone was ready to go to their beds and sleep. Everyone soon fell asleep... all except Midoriya.

Midoriya delt with insomnia for some time now, but it would often strike at random times. In these moments nothing could get him to sleep. Well nothing that he had tried.

Midoriya realized that he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon so he got up and went to the lounge. He opens the bus curtain to look out onto the road. All the passing lights and cars seemed to put him in a trance. Bakugo is a light sleeper so he heard when the boy got up. He had just assumed it was to use the bathroom, but after 20 minutes he decided to get up and check on him.

When walking into the lounge he saw Midoriya looking out the window. Not wanting to scare the boy, Bakugo walked up to him and sat down. The boy felt the dip in the couch and looked over. Not expecting to see a person he jumped but was relieved when he noticed it was bakugo.

"Izuku why are you awake?"

"Insomnia is acting up. I won't be sleeping for some time."

"Isn't there a way to help yourself sleep?"

"If there is then I haven't found it yet."

"Hmm... come here."

Bakugo gently put Midoriya on his lap and stated to scratch his back. Bakugo noticed Midoriya's eyes closing and kept scratching. Soon enough the boy was fast asleep.

"Can't sleep my ass."

Bakugo chucked as he reclined the couch soon falling asleep.

-1114 words-

I'm gonna give a heads up.
I cried writing chapter 15 so be ready for it.

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