Back to Hogwarts

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Everyone belongs to J.k. Rowling only the story line belongs to me. 

~ Lily Pov~ 

" Bye mum, bye dad I love you." I say hugging both of my parents. I grab my trolley and try putting inside the train. I was having a hard time before someone helps me. It's no other then James Potter 

" Hey Flower." He say. 

" Hey." I say we both get on the train looking for our of friends. We found the loudest people and knew for a facts that our friends we walk inside. Jame sits next to Sirius. 

" Remus we got to go to prefect meeting."I say getting up. 

We walk into the prefect meeting and i see no other then Severus Snape. My ex best friend. Now i have Marlene and Alice and of course the Marauders. The whole time i see him looking at me which make me uncomfortable. After the meeting Remus leaves before me and I stay back talking to the Head girl. After a few minutes i start walking back but i get pushed into a empty compartment. I look up and see Snape right there. 

" What do you want." I say shouting at him. 

" You know what i want Lily." He grabs my face and was about to kiss me when someone shouts.

" Oi Snivlles why don't you get lost." I see who it is and it's James Potter. 

" Come at me Potter. Winner gets Lily." Says Snape grabbing his wand. 

" She not a prize Snape. I say this one more time leave." Says James calmly. Snape mumbles something and leave. James walks over to me and puts a arm around me. I start crying into his shoulder. After a few minutes James starts specking. 

" Do you want to go back." He says. I shack me head no. 

" Ok we go back we you ready." He says rubbing my back. Soon we both fall asleep. We woke up to Sirius shacking us. 

" Come on Lovebirds you need to change we almost at Hogwarts." He smirks and walks out. Me and James walk out together to go get out robes. 

" James thank you so much." I say.

" It no problem i wouldn't have wanted anything to you and when did you start calling me James." He says grinning. I go to a compartment with Alice and Marlene while James goes find his friends.  

" Lily where were you!" Says Alice. 

" I was with James." I say changing. 

" What!" They both say at the same time. 

" Is not what you think. Severus tried to kiss me but James came in just in time. Snapa leaves and James makes me feel better because i was crying. Then we both fell asleep." I say putting on my shoes. 

" I ship it. Lames forever." Says Marlene.

" No Jily." Says Alice smirking. I just roll my eyes at both of them. 

" I NEVER DATE POTTER OK HE JUST A TOERAG THAT HAS TO BIG OF AN EGO." I say walking out. I see James right there with tears in his eyes. Oh god i didn't mean no of that i just hate when my friends make me embarrasses. 

" James I didn-" I say. 

" No Evans i get it I'm just a toerag." He then walks away. When he called me Evans that hurt he never called me that he most of the time calles me Flower or Lily. I walk inside back inside and tears in my eyes. Why do I even care.

" We heard what happen." Says Marlene sitting down next to me. 

" I can't believe i'm saying this but i did fancy him a little and now my chance is over." I say laying on her shoulder.

I never hated you ( Jily love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora