First Day of Classes.

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~ Lily Pov~

I groan and get out of bed i hate getting up in the morning. I get changed and grab all my stuff and walk into the great hall with Marlene and Alice. We sit with the marauders. Since they had become our friends. 

" Hey." I say sitting down next to James. We all talk about random stuff but then McGongall comes over.  

" Here are all of your time tables and i still expect to see the four of you today." She then walks away.

" What did you do is just the first day." Says Peter

" James was in are room last night and he hid under the bed so McGonagall wouldn't see him but she did and not the four of us are in trouble." Says Alice. Siruis starts laughing. 

" Shut up Black you been caught in girls dorm all time and for a different reason. " I say rolling my eyes at him. James just starts laughing. 

" What are you laughing about you probably  have had sex with have of the girls." Says Marlene.

" For your information i'm still a virgin sure i have kissed some girls but i been waiting for the right girl." Says James. That makes me really happy that the rumors are fake. 

 " Ok lets go we going to miss transfiguration" Says Remus. We all get up. We walk into Minnie room. 

" Ok let me tell you how you be sitting." She goes on and says all the name thank god i got put with James he the best in our year at transfiguration but for me it's one of my weakest subject actually if you think of it James doesn't really have a weak subject which is not fair because he never studies but at least at the end of the day i get good grades for studying. 

"Hey Flower." Says James sitting down next to me.

" Hey." I say.

" Ok class get out your books." Says Minnie.I look around my bag and can't find it. 

" Professor i can't find mine." I say still looking.

" Then just share with Mr.Potter." She then starts teaching and i push my chair closer to James. I soon fall asleep on his shoulder. 

"Lily wake up class over." Says James tapping me.

" Ugh fine." I rub my eyes and get up. James grabs my stuff and his and we walk to potions. Which is across the castle  so we just talked to each other. 

" So Flower how was your summer." He says.

" It was terrible. My sister is dating this guy that hates magic more then her and not just that Snape kept trying to talk to me." I say laughing. " So how was yours." 

" Oh i good. I spent most of it with Marlene and Sirius." He says smiling.

" Marlene why Marlene." I say stopping completely I know i souldn't be jealous but I really like James and Marlene is my best friend so if they both start dating it be the end of me.   

" She dating Padfoot and don't worry Flower i only have eyes for you." He winks at me and we keep walking. It made me blush. But I still can't believe she didn't tell me about dating Black. 

" So since you have a nickname for me i give you a nickname." I says smirking..

" Alright just please nothing embarrassing." He says laughing. 

" Alight what about ........" But I was cut off.

" Oh Jamsie."  I look who it is and it's Rita Skeeter. She walks up to us. " I heard that Lily is going out with a Hufflepuff this weekend so maybe you should go on a date with me. " She says trying to act flirty.  Which clearly does not make me happy and the whole Hufflepuff guy story ain't even true. 

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