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~Lily Pov~ 

" Wake up dears." Says my mum. She walks out.  I rub my eyes and get out of bed. 

" James get up we leaving soon." I say. I peck him on the lips and he gets up. 

" Alright." He say. I grab his sweatshirt and some jeans and go to change. James wears a hoodie and jeans as while.  

" Come on lets go." I say. We grab our stuff and walk downstairs. 

" James what took you so long I got the brooms so we can fly when we get there." Says my dad. I laugh and we put our stuff on the trunk. We get on the back. Petunia and Vernon get in the middle and my parents on the front. We start driving. 

" So James how many girls have you dated in the past." Says my dad. Oh god. 

" Not many." Says James. 

" What about you Vernon." Says my dad. 

" Only Petunia the other girls don't understand me." Says Vernon. Or they think he a creep.  After a few hours we get there. James hurried out of the van. He had to use the bathroom like a hour ago. I walk inside and James walks back downstairs.  

" Ok lets go see the rooms." Says my mum. We walk around and see that they only four rooms.    

" Alright me and you mum will have this room. Vernon you room. Petunia you room here. Oh um.... James Lily i guess you two can share." Says my dad. omg yes i get to share with James. 

" That so unfair." Says Petunia she grabs her stuff and goes to her room. I walk into mine put my bags onto the bed.  

"I'm so tried.' Says James laying on the bed.

" Want to watch tv." I say laying down next to him.

" What is a tv." He says . I turn it on and Elvis comes on.  James  starts watching. We both get under the covers and watch. 

" I'm going to go get popcorn." I say getting up. I walk into the kitchen and see Petunia and Vernon kissing.  I fake cough. 

" What do you want." Says Petunia rolling her eyes. 

" I just came for popcorn not to see that." I say walking pass them. Vernon scowls. 

"Like you and that Potter boy don't kiss." Says Vernon. 

" yeah but not in public and if we do is just a small peck." I say starting to make the popcorn. 

" Whatever come on Vernon let's go and get away from the freak." Says Petunia. After they leave James comes inside. 

" Want help." He says. 

" You know how to cook." I say laughing. He smirks at me and takes the pan and starts making to popcorn. He finish it and we go back upstairs. I hear snores from my parents room so i guess they asleep.  I put a silence charm on the door just in case and i lock the door. 

" Are you keeping me a prisoner." Says James laughing. I roll my eyes and lay next to him watching snow white.   After a few minutes we start making out. I was in top of him. 

" Lily can i come in." Says my mum. Oh god James is only in his underwear on and i don't have a shirt on. He hide under the bed. And i quickly put my shirt on.

" Yeah mum come inside." I say unlocking the door. 

" Why was the door locked." She says. 

" Oh I was going to change." I say. 

" Oh alright. Where James." She says looking around. 

" He in the bathroom." I say. She walks out. James comes out from under the bed. 

" When you over six feet is hard hiding under a bed." He say rubbing his head.I laugh and grab his neck bring him down.I start kissing him. I lock the door again and we start making out. We went all the way. 

" Come on we need to change." I get up and look for clothes and change. James goes to the bathroom and changes. After a hour we both fall asleep. 

+Next Morning.+ 

" Morning Lily were hiking today so get up."says my mum.

" Is way to early for this." I say putting the pillow on top of my head. 

" Come on everyone is already up even James." Say my mum. 

" James always wakes up early." I say. 

" If you don't get up i tell you dad that James was hiding under your bed last night because you two were making out." Says my mum. I gasp. 

" How did you know." I say standing up.   

" I saw him under the bed." Says my mum walking up. I get change and walk downstairs and sit next to James.  

" Ok after were done eating we start hiking." Says my dad looking at a map. We all eat quickly and go out the door. After a hour my legs start hurting. 

" Get on my back." Says James. He gets on two knees and i climb on we start walking again. 

" Look there a deer ." Says my mum pointing. The deer came really close to us. James starts petting it. 

" What how is it so calm." I say getting off his back. 

" I have my way with deers  . The marauders think i'm a stag myself." He smirks and keeps petting it. After a few minutes we keep walking again. I get back on his back. After a few minutes i her Petunia and Vernon talking. 

" Vernon can i get on your back my feet are starting to hurt." She say smiling. 

" No walk yourself. Don't be like your lazy sister having Potter carry her." He says.Oh how much i want to punch him in the face. 

"'re right." She says walking. I kinda feel bad for her she deserves someone better not Vernon.  

" Is it a bad time to say that I have to pee." Says James. 

" Just go on a tree." Says my dad. I get off James back and he goes a different trail. After a few minutes he comes back. 

" What took you so long." I say. 

" They was people taking that trail and i didn't want them to see me." He say.   I get on his back and we keep walking. after a hour we stop at the very top. I get of his back and sit on this rock he sits next to me. 

" How beautiful." Says my mum. James goes though out bag and pulls out water he gives me one.

"What else do you have." I say looking. 

" I have a lot of camping supplies. Food that least awhile and so much more." He says. I look at him confuse. " You never know what could happen we could be lost for days. I even have a canoe." I laugh and look at inside. I love expended charms.  After a few house we back to the house. Me and James walk into our room. 

" Did you see them." Says Petunia though the wall. We put our ears on the wall and start hearing.  

" I know she uses him as a slave." Says Vernon. 

" I wouldn't be surprise if she tells us she pregnant soon." Says Petunia. 

" I bet she dating him for attention." Says Vernon. James hugs me and put a arm around me. 

" Let's go to sleep." Says Petunia. I start crying and James hugs me. 

" Is ok flower don't believe them." He say rubbing my back. 

" You're right. I love you." I say crying in his chest. 

" I love you too." He says kissing the top of my head. i fall asleep. 

I never hated you ( Jily love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum