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~Lily Pov~ 

I been really bored. James thought it was funny how my parents found out. I'm going on a date with him next week which i'm excited because it be the first time seeing him in awhile. My parents have been calm about my engagement.  James dad just laughed and said 'Yeah right and I joined a cult'. And James mum started crying saying that her baby boy is all grown up and she wanted grand kids straight away so she can meet them before she dies.  

" Hey mum." I say walking downstairs. 

" Hey sweetie so i been thinking about your wedding." She says giving me a plate of pancakes. 

" Ok..." I say grabbing a glass of milk.

 " Will I got a book full of wedding stuff." She say grabbing a book that bigger then my head. 

" Mum. Me and James want to plan the wedding together so maybe he can come later today or something and we can look at the book together." I say smiling at her.

" Ok that great. But i have a few questions for example who your braids maids and who the groom mans." She says looking at the book. 

" Will for James is going to be Sirius,Remus,Peter his best friends and for me is going to be Alice and Marlene but i still don't know for the third. "I say eating.  

" Will send a letter to James and maybe his mum to help plan." Says my mum.

" Alright i do it when i'm done eating." I say taking another bit. Me and James aren't even going to get married until the end of 7th year so i have no rush. I finish eating and walk upstairs and write a letter to James.  After awhile James parents send me a letter. 


James is at Mungos he fell off his broom but don't worry he getting out tomorrow. He be better soon. But we Love to come over a different time to talk about the wedding. We are so excited you going to be our Daughter in Law.  

Love, Mr and Mrs. Potter. 

I quickly change and grab my purse and wand. I run downstairs. 

" Mum i be back later i'm going to the hospital. James fell off his broom and he hurt." I say walking out the door.

+St. Mongus+  

" Hello what room is James Potter in." I say to the person at the desk. 

" He in room 348 but you can't go in unless your family." Says the guy. 

" I'm his Fiancee." I say. 

" Alright." He say going back to work. I walk to his room and open the door.

 " Lily what a nice surprise." Says James

" You idiot you need to be more careful." I say running up to him and hugging him.   

" So are you mad at me or..." He say hugging me back. 

" I'm not mad. Just scared you could have died James." I say sitting down in a chair. 

" But i'm not died because i fell on Sirius." He says smirking. 

" What! How is Siruis." I say.

" He fine. He getting food with mum and dad they be back in like a hour."Says James sitting up. 

" Promise me you be careful for a few days. So i don't have to worry for you." I say.

"I Promise." He kisses me.

" This is not how i expect to see you after two weeks. " I say chuckling.

" Then you didn't see me you saw..... Harry." He say laughing. 

" Harry?" I say.

" Yeah my grandpa was name Henry but his friends called him Harry. I always like the name Harry." He say playing with my hair.

"I like the name." I say. 

" So Lily when we get married are you going to change your last name." He says. I never really thought about that. Evans or Potter i like both last names. 

" I think i'm going to change it Potter. Lily Marie Potter it has a nice tone." I say . 

" Mr and Mrs. Potter" He says smiling at me. I kiss him. I look at my watch.

" I got to go i'm going to my sister college she has this award thing." I kiss him one more time. 

"Bye Love you." He says.

" I love you too. I visit you tomorrow before you leave." I walk out the door. I open the door to my house.

" Lily where were you." Says Petunia.  

" I was at the hospital visiting  James." I say walking upstairs. 

" What is he OK. Why didn't you tell me. I miss him. did he talk about." Says my dad.

" Yes he ok. Don't worry i'm going tomorrow you can go with me." I say. I walk upstairs and take a shower I change into a dress and some high heels.  I quickly do my makeup and run downstairs.

" Ok everyone in the car." Says my mum. We all sit in the car. 

+ College+

I just got here and I already hate it.I wonder what Petunia has been telling her friends about me. I take a deep sigh and walk inside. 

"Lily follow me." Says Petunia. 

"Um.. ok" We walk up to this group of girls.

" Girls this is my little sister the one that went to boarding school." Says Petunia. I just smile at them.

" Petunia told us your getting married prove it."  Says one of the girls. Alright that no how you usually talk to people. I just show them my ring. 

" Do you have a picture of your boyfriend." Says another girl crossing her arms. I look though my purse and show them a picture of James.

 I look though my purse and show them a picture of James

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" Wow he hot." Says another girl. 

" What his name." Says the first girl i talk to.

" His name is James." I say putting the picture back in my bag.

" Why are you not in the photo." Says one of the girls she probably thinks i'm lieing about him. 

" Will because i love taking photos so he like my model so are my other friends." I say nervousness chuckling. 

" He way over your league i cheat on anyone just to kiss him." Says a girl. I walk away. I would hex her but i don't want to be kicked out the wizarding world. No one says they want to kiss my fiance. I walk and sit with my parents. 

" Hey how were Petunia friends." Says my mum.

" Ehhh. They kept asking question about James and they called him hot and that they wanted to kiss him." I say.

" Don't worry we're going home some." Say my dad. After awhile some people give speech and we can finally go home. I walk to the car. When we get home i get change and get into my pajamas.I fall asleep right after.  

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