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~Lily Pov~ 

I wake up and walk downstairs. Petunia now lives in a house with Vernon so that good. I walk to see my mum and dad worried. 

" What going on."I say sitting down.

" Um sweetie we got a letter this morning and um... someone got in a car crash." Says my dad.

" Who." I say.

" James but don't worry he doing ok." Says my dad.

" We got to go." I say.I grab the keys. Oh god i'm in my pajamas i run upstairs and quickly change.

" Ready."Says my dad.

" Yup."I say. We drive to the hospital and my dad drops me off. I run inside. I look at this board. I find James room and walk inside. The marauders and Alice and Marlene are there.

" Flower your here." Says James smiling. That lovable idiot. 

" What the fuck happened to you." I say sitting down. Remus chuckles.

" Will i was at a stop light and the driver behind me didn't stop so the car flipped three times and i passes out. The driver went to jail because he was drunk." Says James. I talk to all my friends the whole time. James seem better and he getting out in three days so that really good. Everyone already left expect me

" I got to go my dad here. Promise me you take care." I say.

" I promise under one conduction you have to kiss me." He says smirking. I roll my eyes and kiss him.

" You know were getting married right." I say grinning.

" I don't care." He kisses me again and i walk out of the room.  I walk to my dad car and sit down.

" How James." He says starting to drive.

" He doing great." I say. We get home and i walk inside. " I'm going to my room." I walk upstairs and  I finish my summer homework so i so i read. The rest of the day was ok. I go straight to sleep. 

+Next Morning+ 

My dad drop me off at the hospital again. James leavening tomorrow so that good. I walk inside his room. No one inside only James.

" Hey flower." He says smirking.

" Hey." I walk over and kiss him is it next to his bed. 

" I got my letter i got quiddish captain again and you won't believe it i was made Head boy." He grabs the badge next to his bed and show it to me. 

" Wow Potter i never saw that one coming. " I say looking at the badge. 

" Mum and Padfoot are getting our supplies for this year since school starts soon. They said they get my stuff. " He say. 

" How you feeling." I say.

" Much better i'm tried being here." He says.

" Don't worry your leaving tomorrow." I say. We talk for a few hours and I leave. I did nothing when i got home i ate lunch. Got my letter turns out i got head girl which i'm very happy about because i get to spend more time with James. 

~James Pov~

Today i can finally go home. I hate being at the hospital. We go into a empty alley and apperate. Moony and Womtail are staying the night which i'm excited about all four marauders back together. My mum made a lot of snacks . We took them to my room.

" When are they getting here." Says Sirius. Placing sleeping bags on the floor. 

" They be here soon just wait." I walk over to my desk and start writing

" Who you writing to."Says Sirius going next to me. 

" Lily she said to write when I get home to know that i'm ok."  finish writing. I give the letter to my owl. 

" Let's get the drinks." Says Sirius. We run downstairs and get butterbeer. We have fire whisky under Sirius bed.  After ten minutes they both get here. 

" Soo when the nest full moon." Says Peter eating crisp. ( In the America is chips but since they live in Europe.) 

" Not until two weeks." Says Remus.

" So Petey and Remmy got girlfriends yet." Say Sirius also eating crisp. 

" No but i get one soon i'm a marauder is easy getting girls when your popular."Says Peter. 

" Neither have I but i will in the future. But Prongs your getting married tell us more about that." Says Remus drinking butterbeer. We decide not to drink fire whisky. 

" Will i'm getting married after Hogwarts on September 4th the day we started dating." I say.

" On man i got to get a girl pregnant fast if i want my kid to have the map. If not James and Lily are probably going to get pregnant in there honeymoon." Says Sirius. 

" That right if i have a kid before you lot my child gets the map and it be Potter tradition to pass it on forever." I say grabbing some Crisp. 

" That not fair you already have the cloak to pass down. Just imagine your child is going to have the cloak and map that child is going to be a prankster with James Potter as their dad." Says Peter.   

" But Wormy do you really think Lily is going to let their child turn into James." Says Remus i fake being offended. 

" Call dips on being Godfather!" Says Sirius. 

" Dam it." Both Peter and Remus say at the same time. 

We all laugh. The rest of the night was great i love my best friends i don't know what i do without them. 

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