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~Lily Pov~ 

I woke up this morning and notice that i'm not in my room or the girls dorm. I turned around and James was asleep. I have to get up because of breakfast i walk to the bathroom and get in the shower i take a quick one i walk out and James already up. 

" Hey." I say walking to my suitcase.

" Morning." He smiles at me and walks to the bathroom I get changed and start on my hair and makeup. James gets out of the bathroom and changes.  He gets ready faster then me. He puts his books in his bag and puts my books in mine.

"Thank you." I say finishing my hair.

" Your welcome." He pecks me on the lips I get up and grab my bag we walk to the great hall. 

''Prongs i miss you!"Says Sirius hugging him. James laughs and sit down I sit across from him and sit between Alice and Marlene.

" So last night me and Alice drew a picture of what we think your future kid looks like." Says Marlene grabbing a two pictures from my bag. Alice picture the kid has brown hair and hazel eyes he looks mostly like James and Marlene picture the kid has red hair and hazel eyes. I show the pictures to James. 

" First how do you know in the future i'm having a son i can have only daughters." Says James. 

" Because Potters always have boys." Says Marlene. James nodded and shows the pictures to Sirius.  

" This is so false the child is going to have Black hair not brown or red and he going to have green eyes like Lily but he going to look just like James." Says Sirius.

" Fine let's have a bet the person that gets the child mostly correct gets 20 gallons." Says Alice. The shake hands. 

" You betting on us it be years before i have kids." I say.

" No is not you probably be 19 when you get pregnant. " Says Sirius.

" No she be 25." Says Alice.

" No she be 22." Says Marlene. 

" No 23." Says Peter 

" 18." Says Remus.

" Alright who ever gets it right get 30 gallons." Says Alice. They all nod.  We just look at them shocked. 

" Question do you think their son will date a red head like James." Says Peter. 

" No." They all say no. expect Sirius. 

" Yes he going to date a red head that sassy like Lily and loves quiddish like James. Also their son is going to be sassy and takes no shit from anyone. But he has a heart of gold like Lily. He also going to play quiddish and he never studies like James but still get top grades. He going to be nice to Minnie because he be scared of her. He going to get in trouble a lot too.He going to have hair that going to be hard to tame like James. He doesn't like being in the spotlight. Also he going to have girls chasing after him. He going to hate his aunt and uncle. But not me because i'm amazing. He have a lot of friends and be a seeker because he doesn't listen to his dad and will refuse to be chaser just because James told him too. But he listen to Lily because he also scared of her. " Says Sirius. We all look at him shocked.

" Sirius have you been thinking about this." Says Remus.

" Yes ever since i called dips on being godfather." Says Sirius. I look at James and he just smiles. We all keep eating and our time tables come. I got potions first. So does Alice, Sirius,James, and Remus.I grab my bag and get up we all walk to our classes. I sit next to James and Alice in front us is Remus, Sirius and Frank. Class was mostly boring. Sirius fell asleep half way though. James drew on his face. We lost 10 points from it will 5 because of Sirius falling asleep and five because of James. That was the highlight of class.  I pack all my stuff and we walk to the next class.

" Hun try to behave this year at least a little." I say looking at James.

" But this is my last year here." He says frowning. 

" Yes but your head boy and quiddish captain younger years are going to look up to you." I say.

" Fine i behave better but i still do some pranks." He says smirking. I roll my eyes and we walk to transformation. My worst subject but James best. This class all four marauders are in and me and Marlene. The marauders are force to sit at front so me and Marlene sit behind them. They barely payed attention in class.  

" Mr.Potter what the difference between Werewolf and Animagis." James smiled at these.The other three just grinned i don't understand them sometimes.

" Animagis have the power to turn anytime they turn to there patrons animal. Is very hard to turn into one and you need skilled. But werewolf you only turn one a month on full moons. Werewolf can sometime hurt humans because they don't have control under their own body when they transform. They don't have a choose if they get bite by a werewolf they day the werewolf transform it because a werewolf it selves." I loo at him shocked. Professor McGongall looked happy that her star student did a good job. 

"Good job 10 points to gryffindor." She smiles at James and write on the board. Everyone knew that the marauders were her favorite which makes no sense because they behave the worst. People always complained about it. The rest of class was ok. We finish classes for the day.

" Were should we go." Says Alice. She was holding hands with Frank. 

" Want to go to my common room." Says James we walk to our common room and walk inside we sit down.  

" What a nice common room Prongs." Says Remus. We hear footsteps and someone inside some slytherins.

" You need to close the door better." Says Severus. We all raise our wands. 

" Now Now let's no play feisty." Says Bellatrix Black. 

" Leave." Says Frank.  

" Maybe we should go." Says Sirius brother.  

" Oh come on Regulus were just going to play a game called hurt the gryffindors." Says Lucius Malfoy. Is four against eight let's hope nothing bad happened. Regulus seemed more nervous all four marauders are really good at hexing. So that an advance but they now dark arts. But all of us expect me and Marlene our training to be Aurors. Spells shot at us. We fire back. Bellatrix goes down. Lucius goes down and Snape goes down. We decide not to hurt Regulus because he didn't want to fight us in the first place. 

" Thank you." He says running out. We grab the other three and put them in a broom closet let's hope they wake up soon. After awhile all of our friends leave. 

" James do you have anything sweet." I say looking through my bag.He gives me a box of a chocolate frog. 

" So tomorrow we turn one year of dating." Says James. 

" I know i'm so excited i never lasted with someone over one year I was also never engaged."I say.

" I have something planned." He says smirking. 

" Really what is it." I say.

" Not telling but me and the Marauders have something to say to you,Alice and Marlene . We telling you guys the day after our anniversary." He smirks. I just grin. I grab my pajamas and take a shower i walk out and see James asleep. I get in bed a and fall asleep myself.  

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