The Date

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~Lily Pov~

Today was my first date with James. Sure we been dating for a few days but we still haven't had a date yet. I walk into the common room and sit down on the couch.

" Hey." Say James sitting down next to me.

" Hey." I say pecking him on the lips." Ready for our date." I say getting up and grabbing his hand. 

" Born ready." He takes my hand and we walk to Hogmade trip  since is the first one this year. 

" So James where we going first."I say.

" The three broomsticks?" He says.

" Alright." I say. We walk inside." I find us a table." I walk and find us a booth. James comes with our drinks. 

" So what we doing next." I say.

" It's a surprise." He says putting an arm around me. 

" I hate surprises." I say laughing.

" Oh but you love this one." he says. We are about to kiss but then." Prongs!" Say the marauders sitting with us. 

" Aren't you supposed to be with Marlene." I say.

" Oh she went to the restroom. We wanted to join you and Peter and Remus too!"Sirius  says. He grabs James butter beer and takes a sip. 

" I wish we could stay but we got to go." Says James getting up. We wave goodbye and walk out. " Sorry about them they can get out of hand." Says James chuckling.  

" It's fine. But anyway when i'm i getting my surprise." We walk to this beautiful pond. The a panic basket and a blanket in the ground we walk over. 

" It's amazing." I say. We talked for awhile and i never knew it was this easy. I only dated a few boys in the past but none of it was this easy. 

"We should get going." I say. We both get up. James grabs his wand and all of it leaves. We start walking to Hogwarts.

" Lily!" We turn around and they Snape running to us. 

" What do you want." I say grabbing onto James hand tighter. 

" Leave him. I meant to be with you." He says getting closer to me. James grabs his wand and puts an arm around me.

" Leave her alone. Or i tell Minnie what you did on the train" Says James.

" Fine Potter but you should watch out." Says Snape he walks away. I hug James. 

" Thank you." I say kissing him. 

" Your my girlfriend you really think I loss you." He kisses me again and we keep walking we enter the common room and sit with our friends.  

" Ok what do you want to play." Says Sirius.  

" Never have i ever." Says Remus he passes us a potion that says the truth. We all take a small sip. He then passes up fire whisky so every time it was one of us we drink.   

" Ok never have i ever had sex." Says Sirius.

Sirius,Marlene,Alice all took a sip. 

" Who in a relationship right now." Says Peter. 

James,Sirius,Marlene, Alice, Me all take a sip. 

" Oh great all of our friends are dating someone expect me and you Wormy." Says Remus. We keep playing and we all go out different ways. i walk to my dorm with Marlene and Alice and we see Mary talking to this boy. 

" Who he." Says Alice.

" My new boyfriend and don't say anything about no boys because James comes up here all the time." She say. she closes her certain and we here moans. Sirius come in. 

" Sorry is this a bad time i just need my sweatshirt back  it's going to be cold tomorrow and i haven't done laundry." He says. Marlene gets up and gives him his sweater. He pecks her on the lips and leaves. After 30 minutes Processor  McGonagall comes in.

"You two my office now." She says to Mary and the boy. They walk away with her.

" Ok lets go to sleep." Says Alice. We all fall asleep. I think all night about the good things in my life and the bad things. 


Being a muggleborn in the wizarding world is a  dangerous thing. Everyday i hear a one of Snape friend call me mudblood. Sometimes we get sorted by blood type and i'm never with my friends because they all Pure bloods or Half blood . But it hurt the day my ex best friend started calling me Mud blood. They never really a difference. The most powerful dark wizard is a halfblood but they still follow him. I hate that most Pureblood are bad expect a few families like the Potters or the Weasleys even the Longbottoms are full of nice wizards. 

I Hate what Snape did. We were supposed to be best friends. I know i stopped talking to him the day he called me mudblood but that was just an excuse. i wanted to stop being friends with him awhile ago. He started hanging out with future death eaters. I think he going to be one. He ruined all the trust i had for him. Even at the beginning my friends will always ask why i hang out with him and all i say was he was a good guy but I knew deep down he just like his friends. I even caught him sometimes hexing people and when i talked to him about it all he said was that his friends told him to and i believed him that was a terrible idea. He always liked the dark arts which is kinda scary. He carries around with him the book that he always writes in. I hate that he tries to go out with me even though he knows i'm dating James.

I hate the friendship I lost with Petunia. We were best friends ever since i was little. But when I started showing sighs in magic she started hating me. she was always mad when i hang out with Snape she said he was creepy and now that i  think about it she was right. I hate that when i was going to my first year of Hogwarts she called me a freak. That hurt me so bad. She was suppose to have my back no matter what she is my sister. It still hurts every time she calls me names.  Even when i see her she tries to think i'm not even there.  She leaves me out.But she still my sister and i want us to have a good relationship.


Ever since i was little my parents always knew i was different but they never acted like i was different. when I got my note to Hogwarts they were over the moon. they knew they was a place where they was people that had my powers but they never found a answer. But they didn't care they still love me. 

My friends. I been friends with Alice and Marlene since I starts Hogwarts. Alice is that one girl that even though she says she not tired she still falls asleep easily. She always had a caring side and always put people before her. I wouldn't be surprise if she ended up with Frank. Now Marlene.  She more to the party side. She party all night and all day. She always have a fire whiskey and will get mad if you take it. She dated a lot of boys but I think she like Sirius the most. Now the Marauders. Oh boy those four boys are a surprise. Peter is so sweet and so loyal. He can be more scared then the other boys but he nice. He also the less pretty then the others but he still has girls after him all of them do. Remus is the calm one he cares so much about his friends. He also very smart all the boys are only Peter is falling back a little.But Remus is like me he studies to get good grade. He not like James and Sirius that even if they don't study they always get O's. Sirius is the female version of Marlene. That why they are perfect for each other. Sirius i think in more ways is more hard head then Marlene. So he most really be crazy. 

Now James Potter. James is the sweetest person ever. He very Athlete. He tries to act tough and he is but when he is around me he becomes my big teddy bear. He is so dorky in the cutest way possible. I know back then i use to say I hate when he ruffled his hair. But in real life i thought it was adorable. But since i was friends with Severus i thought he be mad of me. James all along was the good one.I love that he nice to all his friends and me. I love that he didn't even give up asking me out since first year even though i kept saying no. I love that he never cared about blood type like most Parebloods. I love that he always says amazing things about me. I love the nicknames he gives me. I love that he risk his life for me. I love James Potter.  

Hey everyone i hope you enjoyed It been a hard week my twin brother just got positive for  Covid-19 and i can't go see him in the hospital. So please pray for him. 

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