Telling Sirius

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~James Pov~ 

" What!" Says Sirius standing at the door. I quickly get up and cover his mouth i close the door. 

" Ok but you promise not to tell anyone." Says Lily. Sirius nodded. 

" We getting married but we don't want no one to know yet." I say. 

" Are you two crazy you been dating for a few months and you getting married." Says Sirius. 

" Pad please don't tell no one." I say. 

" Ok fine but only under one condition ." Says Sirius. 

" Anything." Says Lily.

" I get to be best man." He says smirking. 

" Deal." We said at the same time. We shack hands. 

" Ok we should go back." Says Lily. The three of us walk back downstairs. 

" We should really get going." Says Mrs.Evans. I hug Sirius and my parents goodbye and leave. We get on the car and drive back. I walk upstairs and lay in bed. 

" You must be tried." Says Lily laying down next to me. 

" I'm not tried to do this." I kiss her. She get on top of me and we start making out. 

" I love you, Fiance." She says kissing me. 

" Love you too fiancee." I say kissing her. We roll over and now i'm on top. We here footsteps and i get off.

" Goodnight dears. Me and Robert are going on a date." She says. She closes the door and leaves. (Lily Parents names are Rose and Robert) Me and Lily start kissing again. Let's just say magic.She falls asleep in my arms.

+ One week later+ 

We driving back to Lily's house we going to be there for a day and then we finally be back at Hogwarts. Me and Lily decide to tell everyone this summer and at the end of 7th year were moving out and getting married.   

We walk inside the door is 9 pm so Lily parents go to sleep. Me and Lily pack all of our stuff.

" I'm so tried." I say laying down. 

" I know how you feel." She lays down next to me and we start drafting into sleep but they a knock at the front door. We get our wand and hide them under our shirts we walk to the front door. We open and Snape there.  

" What do you want." Says Lily. 

"You shouldn't be with Potter. His family are pureblood they won't except you." Says Snape. 

" I already meet his family and they really nice so no thank you bye.You shouldn't be the one talking you called me a mublood." Lily closes the door on his face and we walk back upstairs. She hugs me and starts crying. " That all i am a mudblood." She says crying into my chest. 

" No you are beautiful, caring, smart, you make me so happy to be with that why i want to marry you. I never cared about blood type. Neither does my family." I say. She looks up at me and kisses me. 

"I love you." She says. 

" I love you too." I wipe her tears. " Come on you need some sleep." I say . We lay down and she lay down on my chest.  I didn't go to sleep until i knew she was asleep. 

+Next Morning+ 

"Lils we got to get up." I say. 

" fine." She gets out of bed and looks for clothes. I get up and change. 

" JAMES." She says I run into the bathroom. 

" Someone took the ring." She says looking around the bathroom. I look with her and someone walks inside.  

" What you looking for." Says Petunia.  

" Nothing important." Says Lily. 

"You looking for this." She says holding up the ring.Oh fuck.  

" Give it." Says Lily.

" Nope i'm telling mum." She says running downstairs. We run after her.   

" Mum look." Says Petunia showing her the ring. 

" Who is it." Says Mrs.Evans. 

" Lily's" She says. 

" Oh Lily is so pretty. Don't lose it." She says giving the ring to Lily. She doesn't know is a engagement ring.  Petunia looks shocked but runs upstairs. We sigh and sit down for breakfast. we eat quick and i grab the bags. 

+ Platform 9 3/4 + 

" James,Lily." Is Alice she runs up to us and hugs us. We said goodbye to Lily parents and got on the train with Alice. 

" Alice have you seen anybody else." Says Lily.   

" No i'm the first one here on our friend group. " We all sit down in a compartment.  

"Hey guys."Says peter come inside.

" Wormy!" I say hugging him. 

" Prongs!' He hugs me back and sits next to me.After a few minutes everyone here and the train starts. 

" Remus we got to go to the meeting." Says Lily. They get up and walk away. 

" So Prongs how are stuff going with you and lily." Says Sirius. Winking. Oh god he terrible with secrets.  

" Good i guess." I say not making eye contact. We hear a scream i run out to see and is snape bulling a first year. 

" Snape leave her alone." I say with my wand pointing at him. 

" Leave Potter." He says pointing his wand. The girl runs to me and hides behind me.  

" Snape if you bully a little kid ever again i promise it be the end of you." I carry the little girl who is bleeding and look for someone to heal her. I walk into the meeting. 

" I need someone help she bleeding." I say running in. The head boy grabs her and sits her down. 

" What happened." Says the head girl healing her. 

" I was talking with my friends and heard a scream so i ran out to see who it was and Severus Snape was bulling her." I say. The head girl writes it don and sends the letter away. Lily hugs me. 

"Ok meeting over." Says the head boy. We all walk out. 

"  i never thought i love you more." Says Lily hugging me. I kiss the top of her head and walk walk in. I told everyone the story. After a few minutes the little girl walks in. 

"Um...thank you for saving me." She hugs me and walks away. We get to Hogwarts. Snape wasn't in the great hall so i wonder what happened to him. Will i was really tried so i fell asleep.

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